Monday, October 13, 2014

Run Ladies, RUN!

Eli turned 6 months old.
He spent the morning downtown cheering on his aunt Emaleigh and basically aunt Maggie as they ran a half marathon
Actually, he did that twice. 
I…ummm…well, I got us all up early Saturday morning to be sure to get to the race. We were sleep deprived from watching the Royals go into extra innings, none of us had showered, and we were cold. 
But I insisted.
We got downtown and didn't see ANY runners.
Ok, one old guy, but he was a fluke.
I texted Maggie- 
"Al, it's tomorrow"
Rico. was. pissed.
You see- I have a history of doing things like this.
AND he sacrificed going to the dump to go- and he reallly needed to do that.
Well, we might as well make the best of it,
the first stop was breakfast. Rico needed caffeine and comfort food to make him less hangry
We went to a dive called "The Beacon".
They had Reece's Waffles.
Obviously I ordered them. 
My friend Jess took a picture and told me to get down there so my face could be in it. Normally, a photo this awful of me would immediately get deleted,  but 
#1- look at that waffle 
#2- maybe that is my penance for making everyone go downtown for a non-existent race
 We went down to the farmer's market after breakfast…let's just say, it is not even close to KC's.
 It isn't even as good as our little Lee's Summit one! 
But we went, and now we know.

 Sunday we ACTUALLY went to the race.
It was still chilly, and we were all still sleepy...
But we bundled up and had a great time
Here's the hipster version of that same photo…where Eli is too cool for the situation

 We even ran into friends who were also watching Maggie!
We capped it off by going to Jess's hotel to say goodbye (the same hotel we had our reception in)…and we got 2 Starbucks frappacinos for $2.80. 
How does that even happen?!
We needed that caffeine, because up next we had the pumpkin patch!

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