Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Yes, it has begun.
Rico and I have both done our first loads of teenie tiny laundry. With soap that does NOT have a teenie tiny price. 

I had a work baby shower and got even more amazing presents. It was awesome.
This floral arrangement had little baby clothespins that people could attach money for us to buy cloth diapers. I re-vamped them for the nursery too.
You know what is awesome about a shower with a lot of Family an Consumer Science Teachers? 
They sew. 
A lot.

This was the FIRST present I opened…she MADE him a  newsboy cap!
Yes, Eli has a burp cloth to match his bibs.

 I wish you could see the stitching on these. They are highlighted with little white stitching.
These were only half the presents from ONE person. 

The SPED department even got in on the craftiness with this mustache themed Cash Cake (and baby sock cupcakes).

We went to our last 2 baby classes:
Natural Childbirth Part 2: Which should have more accurately been named "How to not be an idiot when you get home with a baby that's less than a day old" Yes, we go home pretty quickly after the birth. This freaks some people out- but honestly, I want to be in MY house, with MY bed, without people popping in on me every 45 minutes to sign something or get some vitals or whatever else they might want from me.
Don't be freaked out…they'll COME TO ME about 24 hours later (to double check our latch from our initial consultation, check baby, check me, etc) and then 3-5 days later. I'll also have a visit from my doula in there. So- I'm good.
"The use of water in childbirth" class: Which could have also been named "Water is awesome, did you know water is awesome? Don't get crazy in labor and be safe and you'll get to see how awesome it is"
*Best part of this class: when the instructor said at one point, "Daddies- we do ask that if you plan to be in the tub with your wife, you bring a swimsuit" Followed by a look of "I really shouldn't have to say this, but you just never know"
**Second best part of class: The moment in the video where a dad was sitting across the tub (DIRECTLY across) from the mom- her legs intertwined with his (staring at the money spot and smiling) and Rico and I both looked at each other immediately with a "oh HECK no!" look.
That one scene made me spend a good 15 minutes trying to find a way to write "Please don't have my husband staring at my business" in our birth plan. I gave up.

We DID finish our birthing plan. If you know me (or have read this blog), you know I am not a "short and simple" kind of gal, so this was difficult.

We went shopping at baby consignment stores for a few hours. 
We got some SWEET deals on things we needed. 
We ended up at one that was awful. The WORST part?
They didn't have a public restroom.
Oh, they had a restroom.
I saw it.
Right there.
Taunting me.
"Employee's ONLY"
At a store frequented by pregnant women and people with potty training kids?
This is your plan?

So I told Rico, "sorry we just ate 2 hours ago, but you are going to need to buy some BBQ at this place next door, because I have GOT to GO."
It was actually really tasty, and super BBQ trashy.
Since we were in the area, we went ahead and stopped by our Doula's house and gave her the rest of her fee. Every time I leave her I think, "Oh goodness, I really enjoy her".
I would say this is one of the most frequently asked questions I get about our labor choices- "What exactly does a doula do?" I wrote an entirely different blog post yesterday to answer that.

I also cooked this weekend.
In our freezer we've now got chicken/veggie soup, omelet muffins to last us 2 weeks, 2 meals worth of blueberry protein pancakes, and 2 meals worth of red beans and rice, and black bean and ham quinoa. I also pre-made some oatmeal packs (just throwing in some cinnamon and raisins to some plain oats). I still have more I want to do- but I got tired.

I re-packed my birthing bag. For approximately the 4th time. I also added some to Rico's (like eyedrops…he tend to get red eyes VERY easily, and calogn…because I like him to smell nice if I am going to be leaning all over him!)

I did my homework from my students teacher. She had set up a meal train (where people sign up online to deliver you food so your food deliveries are perfectly spaced out) for us, and she needed me to send it to people. So, basically I sent emails to people begging them to cook me dinner. I only felt mildly guilty- mainly because I was still tired from cooking all day.

Rico washed 2 car seats and installed the bases. His car seat kicks mine's butt. Dang it. Also: reason #256 Rico hates my car. My passenger seat has to be SO far forward to fit the car seat that no one can comfortably sit.
That sucks.
Rico got my push present ready- and we also updated the birthing playlist. 

So, how do you know you are nesting?
Well, when you get more done in a weekend then you did the entire week of spring break.

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