Monday, July 7, 2014

1st 4th

 I don't "get" the 4th of July like most people do.
Don't worry, I feel guilty about it.
As emotional as I am, I don't get goosebumps when I hear the star spangled banner.
I don't like beer.
I don't cry when I hear "Proud to be an American"
I've never spent any of my own money on fireworks- it would feel too much like lighting a wad of dollar bills on fire.
I think the colors red and blue look kind of stupid together….that's right, I said it. 
I look at it this way: America doesn't seem to be lacking any confidence in itself and its awesomeness, so it is ok if I sit out on the "u-s-a, u-s-a,u-s-a" chants. 

I DO, however, LOOOOVE a theme. Even more, I love when people all across the country participate in a theme. So, I try to appreciate the 4th for its theme-yness as well as its ability to provide me with lots of potluck eating opportunities.
Eli's first 4th of July involved lots of good family time. He finally got to meet my mom's side of the family in the afternoon. They have giant inflatable water slides and lots of drinks and super delicious BBQ (apparently my cousin is quite the grill master) to keep the adults entertained. It will be even more fun next year, when Eli is old enough to actually use the toys. This year, we mostly stayed inside and chatted (between with giant mouthfuls of food)

That night we headed over to Rico's grandparent's house for another picnic and fireworks watching (they live across from the park where the city sets off its large display, so we get a front row seat without the parking nightmare)
Rico called this one of his "artistic" cell-phone shots. "it's either going to be the most awesome picture ever, to you won't be able to see a thing" Well, you couldn't see a thing. I tortured it enough in iphoto to at least be able to see our heads
 This is his grandma Jaye's childhood home, so when I looked up and saw her out showing him the garden, my heart just melted.

We passed him around some more here. 

I love family things, where he gets to meet all his extended family (for more reasons than just the fact that I get a break from feeling entirely responsible for his personal happiness….let someone else make the faces/noises and bounce/ walk/ keep him in constant motion for a few hours- I'll be over at the dessert table if you need me)
Proud grandparents encouraging the cuteness that is their granddaughter giving kisses to her cousin
How did the fireworks go? SO well.
I had another mom-guilt moment before they started as I got on facebook and saw a picture of a baby wearing giant noise canceling headphones. 
I thought I had packed everything.
 I even remembered the baby sunscreen and his rock-n-play in case he got sleepy- but did I remember something to save his tiny little eardrums from the EXPLOSIONS we were going to be watching- no.
Thankfully, Aunt Di is a doctor that specializes in hearing….and in being the sweetest lady ever, and when I asked her how guilty I should feel, she told me to just cover his ears. SO COVER I DID.
Seriously, the kid's head was in a mini little vice for the big show.

Of note- his cute little outfit was made FAR less cute when I took off the button up. 
Well, it's pretty cute if you are into old men or high-waisted pants really do it for you.

He LOVED the fireworks. Ok, ok, Eli doesn't actually really LOVE anything right now (besides staring at/ talking to his favorite people and being in motion), but he didn't hate it, and in baby land, I consider that love.
He stared at the big fireworks the ENTIRE show. He didn't wriggle, or fuss for me to move him. He just sat (he doesn't "just sit"), sucked on his little fists, and watched them. 

He didn't really make a peep until the end, when the last firework went off he made a little sigh/ babble that sounded like "woooooow!" 
(it's not just me, I looked at Rico and we both busted up laughing when we heard it)

What a great day. I'm still not going to go out and buy a bald eagle and an American flag bikini, but I can say that for the first time in a while, I really enjoyed the 4th.

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