Friday, July 18, 2014

Class Reunion: Friday Night

Ways you know you live in a small town
1- On the wall of the bar, there is a mounted (as in framed and in glass) jersey of one of your groomsmen
Yep- that #77
2- You not only know your waitress- you love her AND she brings you drinks that you've never had before that are delicious! I couldn't tell you what it was- but I CAN tell you that I made up for a year of no beverages by having 1 of almost anything I had craved this past year (with the exception of a margarita and a tequila sunrise) 
Don't judge me.
Mama pumped for an ENTIRE week to earn those drinks. 
(all that pumping and Eli was at home torturing his grandparents by not eating his bottles! Poor grandma and grandpa)
3- Your reunion is in a barn- and there are actually a couple of people there in non-ironic cowboy boots / hats- more on that later

4- You are one of the answers to the "find someone who...." Game. Actually, you could be several answers

Friday night at the bar in highlight form
1- A pregnant friend ordered fried pickles
2- Got to see many of my favorite people
Some of the boys of 2004
Some of the girls of 2004
3- Got to be an adult (sans child since Rico's parents were babysitting)
4- Got a surprising number of people telling me that they read the blog. 1 that said he liked it-
Actually, he "------ loves to read your blogposts"
(Former students, pretend that blank says "really")
the others just that they've read it (translation: I read your blog, saw your over sharing, and read on only because I couldn't believe you were really talking about your -----. I may have even re-visited it once or twice just to see if you wrote something else that will make me feel more "normal" in comparison to you"
5- Got a little touchy freely with our friend Tom, indicating to Rico that the time had come for us to leave
6- Used the Fogle Taxi (my parents) for the first time in over a year.
And now, the sad ending. Here you see the milk I had to dump down the drain.
Better wasted milk than wasted baby.
I still felt like I was holding a funeral when I was dumping it down the toilet.
RIP breastmilk.

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