Saturday, March 14, 2015

First Haircut

It needed to happen folks.
His hair was OUT. OF. CONTROL.
Thankfully, my cousin Kristen is a hairstylist, and she took care of it.
Since we were downtown, Rico came over on his lunch break and got to be there.
He was SUPER zoned out, the whole time. (Eli, not Rico)
 I mean, NO personality.
 It's great for getting a haircut, so I should stop complaining.
 And he looked so cute after! 
Oh, sorry, Eli, I realize that was a lot of excitement there.
Let me bring it down a bit. 
OK, I can't bring it down THAT far. You're too cute.

New Words

In the last month, Eli's not really grown much PHYSICALLY, pretty much looks the same. BUT, he's been working on words.

Now, depending on what definition of what "counts" as saying a word, Eli has said any number of words.
Ask a grandma, either really, and they will tell you he has a whole list of words.
Ask me, and I'll say he has about 4.
"bye bye"
"This" (as in, pointing to everything he sees and asking, "This?"
and, his hands down favorite "Cock"
Yes, "cock"

All of the other words he has said in front of grandparents, and after coaxing enough, we got to hear it once. But cock…now cock is a WHOLE 'nother story.

Cock is his go to word. 
Yes, even after we tried not to laugh when he said it.
Even when we didn't repeat it after he said it.
Even when we echoed back OTHER words after he said it. 


Here's how it came about.
We were grocery shopping in the smaller Dillons (the old person Dillons), and he points to a can and VERY clearly, and VERY loudly (especially considering how quiet the old person Dillons is…you know, there being no other children and all) said "COCK!"

I'm proud of my reaction: "Well hunny, that's not really an appropriate word for the grocery store." 
Eli: "COCK!" 

He continued to do this throughout the store until we got in the car with Rico. 
I said, "Oh hunny, you will never believe what Eli's new word is"
Rico got excited, I think he thought it might be "daddy"
Sure enough, Eli said "Cock"
I gave Rico the "We aren't laughing at this so it doesn't become a thing look" and we gave Eli suggestions…
"Did you mean Rock?"
Then, I kid you not, Eli looked at me and said "C- C- C- C…COCK!"

Alright then son, cock it is. 

We were panicking about going to baby swim class with our little sailor. 

Fortunately, we just pretended he was saying something else. 
Already lying for him.

It's still a thing. It's SUPER embarrassing, but we got over it a little when we were repeating similar sounding words back to him and he started it with an F….ok, ok, we'll take "Cock"

You should know, I have heard form MULTIPLE sources that "quack quack" has also been said…but I haven't heard it, so I am 10% convinced it might just be "cock cock". 
Until he will finally say it in front of me, it isn't on the list.