Saturday, December 28, 2013

MY salad's bigger than YOUR salad!

You know when you are little and you get into fights with other kids on the playground? 
"MY daddy is smarter than YOUR daddy!"
"Well, MY daddy is funnier than YOUR daddy!"
I always won with
 "My daddy is bigger than your daddy!" 

Well, today, I ALSO would have won the "MY salad is bigger than YOUR salad" challenge. 
I had a GENIUS plan. Put the yummy add on's on the bottom and spinach on the top.  

My logic: I wouldn't need as much dressing, because the dressing would touch all the spinach instead of being wasted on covering things that already taste like heaven. 
I called it an "inverse salad"
Reality: I ran out of room for the know- the "salad" part of the salad.

How it went down:
Mmmm- artichoke- I better get extra of that- get my money's worth out of this salad bar
 Oh, cucumbers, those look good and Rico hates them so I never get to have them 
Bean medley...well that's just protein. Eli needs protein.
Tomatoes- those will add a nice kick of color, I better get a few extra
 Kalamata olives- I just payed a stupid amount for these at the store, I better eat more now while it's included.
 Broccoli- oooh that will add a nice crunch
Cottage cheese- well that's just a great fake-out for a creamy dressing- I should get plenty
 Red onions, ooooh the tongs picked up a lot- oh well, more flavor for me
Zucchini- well that's new here: bring it on!
Mushrooms....mmmm mushrooms. I better get another scoop.
An egg- more protein- bring it on!

You can clearly see how I ran out of space for the actual spinach.

I managed to pile it on top- but my plate was a MOUNTAIN. A mountain that there was NO way to conquer without a huge spill.
So, I did the walk of shame and had to go ask for a second salad plate.

Then, by the time I finally had all my big items cut up into pieces can actually fit in my mouth to take my first bite-my husband has already finished his entire salad. 

At least it was good...BOTH plates worth (and the hummus, and raisins and pumpkin seeds for dessert)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Jingle Bells

This is our last Christmas as a family of two. It has been pretty amazing.
Some highlights:
Breakfast in bed from my amazing husband- more than once.

 Eli had his very own Christmas stocking at the Brown tiny and cute. 

There were LOTS of presents. Some of my favorites included the most AMAZING baby monitor EVER, an ADORABLE chevron ottoman, and a floor lamp for the nursery with a foot switch that should make our night-time nursing sessions much more relaxing.
And in more obvious Christmas "highs", we got to stare at/ hold / play with our little niece, Grace 

Then we went over to do Christmas at my parents' house. Ashley made a delicious breakfast for all of us while we got to play with Lizzie. Again, lots more presents for ALL of us- Eli included. 

We got Eli's natural labor classes covered as well as some adorable outfits for him and some fun things for mom and dad. Rico got lots of "dad" shirts (apparently plaid shirts are "dad" shirts)

We taught Lizzie where her soon to be cousin Eli is, and his name. It comes out closer to "E-why", but it works for now. 

Our niece LOVED the present we got her. We had been waiting to give it to her since she was only a few months old. 
She ALSO loved Max (as usual)- and made this stiff "everyone look into the camera" picture into a perfect little moment caught on camera. (She was headed in to give Max kisses)
And then, in a moment that melted my heart, she went to sit near her uncle Rico. She originally sat straight up- with perfect posture, but looked over to him and decided to mimic his slouch. She scooted herself down until she had achieved the perfectly casual slouch. You can see how proud Rico is.

Monday, December 23, 2013


Although I finished my work (classes and a capstone portfolio project) when Eli was just a little ball of cells that didn't even look like a living being yet- I just officially got hooded with my Masters of Science in Career and Technical Education Leadership. 
The weather was AWEFUL the Friday of the ceremony. In fact, they canceled school in the MIDDLE of the DAY (I hope that never happens again- it was insane)
I hadn't planned to walk, but my parents seemed pretty excited about it, so I filled out the paperwork and ordered the stuff. They weren't able to make it, and we told my in-laws not to come (because the weather was so bad), but that afternoon Rico got a call at work from his mom that he says went something like this:

Mom: "How's the weather"
Rico: "It doesn't look good. I think the roads are pretty bad"
Mom: "Oh, no they aren't"
Rico: "Maybe not where you are- but in KC they are"
Mom: "No- they're not"
Rico: "No! No mom. You're not here."

To say we were caught off guard would be an understatement. I immediatly had a flash of our house and swore. I chose a big swear word- not some little baby one. 
It CERTAINLY wasn't that we didn't want them here. I am one of those lucky people who lucked into awesome in laws. 

 You see, when we talked the night before and told them not to come we hung up and high fived at the positive of this nasty weather- "Sweet- we don't have to clean the house!" 
When I say that we needed to clean the house, I want to explain to you how messy our house was. Not normal day-to-day disorder, this was full on MESS.
-Dishes in the sink. Not 1 or 2- a stack of nasty dishes.
-Tools/ paint/ caulk/ vacuums etc. in the dining room from Rico's mid-week handyman work
-blocks, a tiny grocery cart, and foldable shelves that I was bringing back home now that preschool was over....SITTING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE KITCHEN
-textbooks and teacher's guides I had brought home to write a final and final review
-Christmas cards/ bills/ random registry paperwork/ random insurance enrollment information strewn over the counters
-fake Christmas tree "pines" all over the living room carpet
- The guest bedroom didn't have sheets or pillowcases- we left them in the drier when we thought we had all the time in the world to make the bed
-Something in the guest bedroom shower (I still don't know what it was- just that Rico yelled, "Don't open the shower curtain- I have something in your shower!")
-A box of "pre-pregnancy" pants and some jeans left in the guest bedroom (I didn't even know this until AFTER they left. oops)

We also didn't have 1 of our cars. We've been having car drama for the last few weeks.
First my car had a broken waterpump. That's not cheap.
Then, Rico's car needed new brakes...and pads...and an axel. Also, not cheap.
Then, to complete the trifecta, the garage broke. 

We also hadn't done ANY of our Christmas shopping.

I had also banked on Sunday for lesson planning for the upcoming week (as the previous week was filled with 12 and 13 hour days EVERY day that week)

Maybe now my reaction makes more sense. 

I (pretty quickly) decided that I was just going to have to laugh about the mess and to do lists and proposed schedules for the night and just let myself be excited to have family there to cheer me on
It's good to know that I can surrender control that easily.
I think that will come in handy.
The announcement of Cheesecake Factory cheesecake being delivered by my in-laws made that mental shift MUCH easier.

They drove us (hallelujah for big giant trucks and calm father-in-law drivers) the hour away to campus. We ate at a fun bar and went over (REALLY early...sorry, I was born a Fogle and we over-estimate everything) for the ceremony. Rico wore his "Ted Mosby" jacket- and I wore a dress I scammed off my mom.

For the most part, it was what all graduation ceremonies are: anti-climactic. I can't lie, there were MULTIPLE times that I thought "Just stick through it, there's cheesecake waiting at home"

The actual moment I was hooded was pretty awesome though. Rico and fam' were so close (due to our SUPER early arrival) that I could look up at them whenever something entertaining happened. This included me staring up at Erik when they asked the families of the graduates to stand for their patience and support of us- I used my "teacher look" to ensure that Rico stood. That was the only time I really got emotional. 

So...check that off Eli's "Before even seeing the world" bucket list.

I got lots of generous gifts for graduation. First- NEW TIRES. Oh, yes.

And then there were the generous cash contributions that Rico told me to "use for something YOU want"
You know what I want?
More classes.
This time: Bradley Method  birthing classes.


We start next week!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ei's Christmas Tree

Thanks to the grandmas...yet again...Eli has his very own Christmas tree!
So far he has his mushroom, a hedgehog, a fox, a stocking, and now a herringbone owl! Too cute.

We went to his 6 month appointment today:
-He jumped/ kicked the WHOLE time- even when we were trying to hear his little heartbeat. She had to try 3 or 4 different spots because he kept kicking her. 
-The 20 week ultrasound results: looked good. He was measuring on target- everything looked great. 
-They brought out a new toy- the TAPE MEASURE! I measure about 2 weeks past where I actually am- since my abdomen is so long- but when they actually feel for my uterus they find it just where it should be this week.
-In other uterus news: apparently my placenta is anterior. Basically, when there is a placenta between my belly and my baby (instead of most placentas that are between the baby and mom's spine). This SHOULD mean that feeling him is more difficult- if that's the case then I can't even imagine what I would be feeling otherwise. It's nice and high though- so there is nothing to worry about. 
THESE are the things that I LOVE to learn at my appointments!
Even better news-
I have my glucose test next appointment- and I DON'T have to drink that orange soda tasting stuff. They have food options as well- and one is 11 black jelly beans! YEEES.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The LEAST Attractive Photo

My Saturday was spent at school. That's right, 8:15-3pm....extra duty. 
Scholar bowl tournament. 

 I can't lie- I love it. It's basically like being a trivia game show host. Don't get me wrong, I DON'T love giving up a Saturday without pay- but as far as extra duties, I think I have the absolute BEST (I also have Prom) 

So, I got home at 3. Here's the problem. 

It was an intense sports Saturday here in KC- especially at 3.
Sporting played for the MLS cup
The Chiefs played
MU played for SEC Championship...
and KU- well, KU lost. 
Sorry, had to be done.

I, clearly, don't actually care about any of this. My husband, however, is emotionally invested in the Sporting and Chiefs games.
I can say this fairly based on the passion with which he yells at the t.v. 

Apparently, if I was going to have some husband time, I was going to have to go into the forbidden place.
The basement.
Yes, for lack of a better term, the man cave. 
The place with the neon bar signs, mini-fridge full of dark stinky beer I can't drink (and wouldn't want even if I could- gross), pool table, x-box, guitars I can't play, recliners, sports perpetually on the tv, and (in general) ALL things that are of NO interest to me. 
I can honestly say that there have literally been months at a time that I have not stepped foot in the bottom third of our home. 
If I wanted some husband time, I was going to have to go. So I went down. 
I wish that I could blame my outfit on trying to "blend in" to the manliness, you know, since I had stolen the ENTIRE outfit from Rico- but I can't. 
I like mens' sweatpants. 
Don't lie- so do you.

Within a few minutes, this is what the cave-of-things-that-bore-me did:

And there's Eli...basking in the light of the game. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Max's Thoughts

In case you wondered how our little four-legged boy was reacting to the news...he is only mildly impressed. 
He has taken to snuggling with the bump more and more, but I think that is because the bump is getting more and more in the way of my lap. Here he was at Thanksgiving:

It is funny, I remember when Max came into our lives I said, "I bet this is God's way of preparing me to have a boy someday"  

Max has shown me some things that I've also heard from boy moms:
Boys can be some of the BEST snugglers.
You get over the awkwardness of unfamiliar genitalia pretty quickly.
Yes, it is frustrating that the clothes/ accessories for boys aren't nearly as easy to come by- but it keeps you from buying the entire store.
Boys LOVE their moms. 

Max even treats me differently than Erik. He'll chew on (well, since he is missing most his teeth it's more like "gumming" on) Erik during play time, but as soon as I put my hand on him he'll turn chewing into licking- even when he is in the heat of play-time. He knows, and it melts my heart.

So, that's what I am prepared for- a lot of heart melting.

Well played God, well played.