Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fall Foto Frenzy

It's Fall…meaning football season. 
This little boy supports the DHS Panthers!

It was homecoming this week- complete with Eli's first parade
 Where he paid very little attention to the parade- and a LOT of attention to sticking out his tongue.
Later, we went to the game.
We got to visit with his aunt/uncle/cousins, great aunt, great uncle, three great grandparents, and those relatives that are relatives even though technically you aren't related…you have those too, right?
He slept through the fight song, national anthem, cheers, touchdowns, and all sorts of yelling for the first quarter.

But First…we had to go on our morning run…and fall means I can bust out his new hat!
 Ok, so it didn't stay on wonderfully, but it is still adorable.
It is supposed to be worn more like this.
 Then there's this.
 I've also learned that if he is tired enough, he can fall asleep anywhere.
Look how manly he looks.
 I took a 5 month photo (mainly because his suspenders were so cute) that paralleled my niece's Easter photo when she was around the same age

 While we were at it (re-making old photos), I thought I might do an update of one of our maternity photo shoots.
Here are some with his head too. He was distracted at first- he loves the feeling of grass under his feet.
 Eventually Nana made enough crazy noises that he looked up.
 Other happenings: now that he sits up so well, we've been experimenting with high chairs when we go out. It never goes well. Don't get me wrong, he hasn't fallen out or anything, but it is WAAAAY more work than it seems like it would be.
 I also "installed" the swing his grandma bought him. 
He loves it. 
Yes, he swings in PJ's. 
Don't judge.
 We play with blocks and send pictures of our creations to Rico at work
 and we try on mom's glasses
 ..and we have more family lunch dates
 It was game day- he had to wear his jersey.
 This time we had our picnic in Old Town. These are actually the fountains that Rico and I ran through after our wedding. 

Our next lunch date was in Delano- at Monarch. 
Obviously this is at night- I am not wasting my time taking pictures if I can google them…so this is what I get. Here's one I really did take.
Here's a random photo- forgive my wet hair, I had a good week where his naps just didn't quite last long enough for that step.
 But look how much Max loves Eli.
 Lest you think Eli is always Mr. Happy, here he is at a lunch date at Panera with his Nana and Papa.
and his reaction to the freezing grocery store after missing a nap while I stopped to make him pose with the mini bananas I found.
Not amused.
 Other adventures include discovering THIS at our weekly trip to the library to get our bedtime books for the week. 
 That's the water tower you see when you come into town. 
Wow, that sounds SUPER small town-y
 He also discovered that the blinds behind our bed open to a WINDOW. 
And that the window opens and WIND comes in.
 He was mesmerized for about 20 minutes.
….and to end: his 5 month photos
 I couldn't pick just 1
 because I think he is so darn cute.
That he ONCE AGAIN ended by jumping out of his chair. 
Oh, this kid.

Monday, September 15, 2014

You've Gotta Read This

You know those days: when you are reminded of how amazing your friends are. When you think- "Gosh, I wish I had more of her (insert trait here). 
Today is ANOTHER one of those days.
I have lots of friends who impress me daily, in fact, I plan to go on a rant about another "Katy" friend who has been choosing love. 
Choosing joy. 
Choosing patience. 
Choosing faith. 
Choosing ALL of these things when no one would blame her is she chose bitterness and anger...
Oh gosh, don't get me started. 

Back to THIS Katie.
My friend Katie wrote a blog for Kansas City Mom's Blog about being aware of how your words (as a stranger) impact her family. 
She could have written YET ANOTHER "15 things not to say to (insert a group of people here" blog.
No one would have blamed her.
Instead, she chose grace.
She used phrases like "I know you are just curious" when she spoke about ignorant strangers.
See what happened there,
 I wrote "ignorant" and you read it as an insult. I think we've used the word ignorant negatively for SO long, that we've all forgotten what it means.
Is it really fair to be ANGRY at someone for their ignorance (if it really is ignorance). 
Ok, maybe it is FAIR to be angry, but let's expect more of ourselves than "fair".

Katie took what I would assume to be her first guttural reaction to these situations (defensiveness, bitterness, and anger) and instead showed kindness, empathy, forgiveness, and a willingness to educate rather than blaming and attacking.
She chose love.

Seriously, my friends are awesome.

Not to mention how she helps the reader to realize that it isn't about hurting HER feelings, it is about her kids.

" I also want you to know that my children have ears and brilliant little minds. I’d like to tell you that they hear what you say, and with each time a well-meaning bystander comments on our transracial family, they hear their mama yet again have to ‘explain’ them and us as a family. Those little ears and little minds think about these questions for hours – days."

Seriously, you should read this. 

You'll learn more than just "What you should say to a family touched by adoption", 
you'll also be impressed by a mom who chose thoughtfulness to address sometimes thoughtless (again, not an insult, we all often say things without thinking them through) comments.

I've been working on fruits of the spirit lately, and I decided that "gentleness" was the my most rotten fruit. 
Maybe that is why this speaks to me so much. 
What an AMAZING example of showing God's GENTLENESS. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

4 month skills

Seriously, this has been a busy week.
I am supposed to be subbing, but have gotten zero calls.
I could worry about it, but for now I am enjoying it! 
Eli has been developing SO quickly these past few weeks!
Perfect example, here's a video from just a week or two ago of Eli trying to learn to sit.
And then tonight
I mean, that's pretty amazing stuff right there.

He learned how to catch a ball.  (Not like this, that would be mean)
He learned to turn pages…kind of. It is clear that he has learned which way pages turn, and he can bat at them to get them to go, but he can't literally turn them. I just got so excited at his very first little pre-reading skill that I had to document it.
Of course when I went to film it he refused to do it.
Then we went to the library and he did it for my mom immediately. 
So I snuck up and filmed some
 He swang by himself for the first time…and LOVED it

Rico also took him down the slide. It seemed pretty silly to go all the way to the park
(ok, 2 parks because the first one didn't have baby swings) for 3 minutes of swinging and then leave.

Lest you think he actually cared about this slide adventure:

He's developed a new way to communicate a new message. A high scream when he wants something and it has been taken away. It's kind of cool to see him learning to create language for a specific need, even though it isn't words and it isn't a pleasant noise. (It DID save me from losing his taggie on the sidewalk three different times on our run the other day- so there's that) 
He made that noise when he decided that my glorious Bubba Mug (a breast feeding mom's constant sidekick) needed to be his. He seemed to know pretty quickly that the straw was meant to go in his mouth.
I know, I know, EVERYTHING goes in his mouth, but I swear this was purposeful. He didn't try to put the cup in his mouth, he specifically reached for the straw.  
This is what I am choosing to believe.

We also went to his first music class! Obviously he wore his guitar shirt. All the other babies were 10 or 11 months old, but he still giggled and watched intently as I sang and danced over him, under him, and yes, even in a circle around him. I left a little sweaty.
 He almost got stepped on and sat on within 30 seconds. 
No big deal, he's resilient.
That's bound to happen when you play with the big kids.
 We followed that up with our weekly lunch with Rico, this time we went into a restaurant  sandwich bar and the seating was SO crowded that I was too overwhelmed to get a picture. It was yummy, but sensory overload (for me, not Eli, he slept)
Here's what google images has to offer- please note that is not a table for a large party, no, that is where you sit, elbow to elbow with strangers. Obviously it is a dive bar.
After that, Eli and I made a pit stop at the Doughnut Whole, where we picked up some girl scout cookie themed doughnuts (I had made the mistake of looking at their facebook page the night before and then had a craving that wasn't going to go away). 

Eli LOVED looking at all the different kinds of doughnuts. 
Just kidding, Eli loved looking at the fan.
Eli always likes looking at the fan.
I would have spent longer attempting to get him to look at the camera, but I felt a tiny bit bad about having his butt on the table (the FACS teacher in me) AND making annoying "look at me" noises while hipsters studied around me.

I also got to babysit my niece. That's right, 2 kids, 1 adult. 
I was intimidated to say the least.
It actually went WAAAY better than I could have expected.
She'll be a great big sister.
This wasn't when I babysat, it is just to show off how cute she is.
Yes, yes she STILL calls him "baby Alli" instead of Eli. 
I get called "Allison", but Eli may learn to say "Lizzie" before she ever comes around to calling him his real name. 
She threw away diapers, shared toys, and was easily tricked into doing just about anything just by the phrase, "Now show Eli how a BIG GIRL ______" (puts on pajamas, uses the potty, cleans up…you get the picture)
She also hosted Eli's first tea party!
I maaay have encouraged this out of a subconscious feeling of loss that I may never get to play tea party with him. 
Ok, maybe not Subconscious. 
 I was very aware of what I was doing.
"Here you go, here's some cake"….see I told you she was sharing well!
Yes, "Deeee- licious" indeed

Eli also went on his first cold weather run. He wore this hat.
My mom INSISTED that I take a picture because he "looks so cute"
I disagree.
I think he looks like a thug.
A criminal.
A baby ready for a mugshot.
It's not a good look. 
I know it, you know it, I bet Eli even knows it.
But Nana and grandma think he's pretty cute. I believe this is the perfect example of "grandma blinders"
*insert some sort of "love is blind" comment here*
Sorry dude, fitted stocking caps just aren't in your giant headed future.

In emotional development news: he also seems to be developing a nice healthy attachment. Independent enough to try new things, but still looking to me to be re-assured when there is new stimuli.
A lot of my parenting choices revolve around hoping to foster this attachment, so this is a REALLY big  proud mama moment for me.
of note: I cleaned off the toothbrush both before and after
Things Eli is still working on: object permanence. I took this video for the teacher who took over my Child Development classes to show when she teaches it. 

Poor guy. Oh well, it makes peek-a-boo THAT much more fun!
Not that pretty much everything isn't fun. 
I came home tonight and jumped on the bed and it started an hour of giggles. 
Now, he SHOULD have been sleeping that hour, but I should be sleeping right now and I am blogging, so I'll forgive him…and blame Starbucks.