Saturday, June 28, 2014

Fake Milestones

His first time riding the dog
 Staring at Nana
 Not quite sure of what I am saying
 Tummy TIME!
 I can sit in the Bumbo…I don't like it….I lean to one side still…and it only lasted 35 seconds, BUT 
I can do it.
…and the first time Eli rolled over. We aren't saying he can roll over now. I assume it was more of a fluke. He was fully on his belly to start, but we weren't fast enough with the camera to get the full thing (hence me "subtly" saying, "daddy" at the beginning, as in "Daddy/ Rico- get your camera out NOW")
That's right, in his "Too Much Talent" onsie no less. 
Maybe some day he'll actually do it on purpose.

He has also started arching his back and using his feet to push himself backwards. It's pretty funny. He scooted himself from the middle of the blanket to off of it the other day. I guess we can wave goodbye to his hair in the back- bald spot from rubbing on carpet- here we come! (sorry, no video of that one, Rico has only so much patience for me wanting to document everything and making HIM do it)

He also seemed to have learned (literally overnight) how to grab items and bring them to his mouth!
Oh- and 15 minutes after posting this originally he LAUGHED

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Friends, Family, Water Play

What a weekend. The only thing we had specifically planned for the weekend was a cookout (NOT a bbq- get it right), but we ended up seeing SO many people and doing SO many things.

Friday afternoon, we went with my mom to pick up our niece early from preschool for a play date at the park. We got to see my sister's preschool class too.

Friday night, 4 of Rico's high school/ college age cousins came over and we hung out on the Taj-ma-deck (my mother in law's crazy awesome back deck) and they played with Eli.

Saturday we looked at our house for the first time, with Rico's brother helping us out. 

After making an offer on the house, we went over to my childhood friend's house for a "cookout". Basically, it was an excuse for some of the babies to finally get together and for us to meet one of our friend's boyfriends (he put up with the excessive amount of babies/ baby talk VERY well)
All boys, all 1 syllable names, Great minds.
The babies got lined up in birth order (youngest to oldest) while the moms danced/ clapped/ acted like total pageant moms behind the camera trying to get their attention. 

One of my favorite parts is that you rarely saw anyone holding their own baby. It was neat to see everyone passing babies around (and to talk to other new parents who could tell you that xyz thing going on with your baby is NOT weird, and that they went through the same thing)

I think a moment that summed it up was when I was inside the house talking and Rico walked in. It took me a second, but then I said "Where's our child?"
Someone else piped up- "Oh he's out there in the pool with Katie"
I jumped up. "Crap!" 
No, not "crap-someone else is watching my child", but "crap- I need to document this, it's his first time in a pool and I don't want to miss it!"

I also forced one of my other friends to feed Eli. She is SO uncomfortable with wee little babies (this is the same friend I rubbed my pregnant belly on.) I delight in making her uncomfortable- look at what a good job I did:
Ok, here's a cute one.
We tried out our first church in town…where one of Rico's ex girlfriends was with her family, including her child with the same name as ours. (I say ex girlfriend and it sounds scandalous- they were in 8th grade…so scandal free, just a VERY small town moment)
The sermon was exchanged for a discussion about fatherhood (it being father's day) where a discussion on spanking made it very evident that this was not the church for us. Eli couldn't hold it in through the HOUR AND 45 MINUTE long service, and he pooped ALL over himself, his breastfeeding cover that was on my lap, and my dress. It was pretty hilarious. 

We went to my sister's house on Sunday for pool time
Don't mind his nasty belly button, he got it re-cauterized at his 2 month appointment - hence the creepy birth-mark looking thing.

 while Rico went with my brother in law to a PGA event where they drank, ate, and watched caddy races. 

Eli dipped his feet in the pool, but it didn't last long. 

He spent the next hour sleeping in the pack-n-play outside just looking fresh.

At some point in these last weeks, we also watched the second world cup game with Rico's family where our ADORABLE niece gave Eli kisses. 
Once she saw how much we all enoyed it, she just kept kissing him. 
It. Was. Adorable.
We also got to visit with BOTH sets of great grandparents. 

So, what we've learned here is that when you move home ot see family, you GET TO SEE FAMILY.
Even when you didn't have any of it on the schedule.
So, so awesome.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Buying A House

We were VERY blessed to have found an amazing deal on our house in Kansas City- so I have been spoiled.
Now, we are downsizing. Because I want to only work part time for the next decade(ish), we made cuts to other parts of our lives. One of the things we knew we needed was monthly freedom from a mortgage payment. 

I think of it this way- we're just buying in reverse. Our first house was the size of the house we should have ended up with, so now we have to live in a real "starter home".

The hunt for an itty bitty fixer-upper began. The idea is to live in an itty bitty house for about 4 years (and move when we need to start worrying about Eli's school district). 
Kind of like the "buy used and save the difference" method, we will put the money we WOULD have been using for a mortgage payment into savings/investments to use toward the next house.
IF the spreadsheets go as expected, which we have accomplished for the past 5 years of marriage, then we should be able to buy our "forever home" after those 4 years (when we start actually needing the space)

Well, we found the "4 year flipper", we made an offer, and after some back and forth negotiating, we've reached a deal. 
Get ready.
No really…this is going to shock you.
My sister calls it "a $4 house"
Needs: gutters, driveway, garage, SHUTTERS, landscape, metal removal, new windows, new door, and a good powerwash)
It's an HGTV wet dream. We need to re-do every single room. We need to rip out walls. We need to demo cabinets. We need to move plumbing lines. It is just the right amount of demo for us- right on the edge of our comfort level. 
back yard: needs leveled, chain link fence removed, deck refreshed (new door, new windows)
Not pictured: a shed for lawnmowers. tools. paint etc
Thankfully, Rico's brother is AMAZING and loves doing this kind of thing- so his contacts and advice will be a HUGE help.
Main entryway and living room- awesome hardwoods
needs:new door/ windows, sand/re-finish wood floors, paint walls, re-do ceiling, new light fixture
He's flipped 3 similar houses in the area in the past few years and has a contact or tip for every step in the process. 
Dining room and kitchen doorway:
needs new light fixture, possibly a closet door where that wall is, doorway to kitchen opened up
Plus, he loves doing it. I swear, he was more excited to house hunt than we were. 
Kitchen:Where the fridge is meant to go
 need: knock this out to open it up more to the dining/living room and re-use the cabinet somewhere else
He even found this house (which is hard to do because Rico stalks the real estate here like a hawk). The house was on the market 1 day before we were making an offer on it. 
need: floors, counters, appliances, back splash, sink, and re-finish the cabinets
Pantry- back behind it is where we would move the fridge

More kitchen (where the stove/oven and microwave go)
Desk removed, new windows and door (with dog door for Maximus)
Rico had seen the house posting online, but (just like our last house) didn't show it to me because he thought I was refusing to buy one of these little homes to flip after he took me in one a month ago.

THAT one was SCARRRRY. Mold everywhere, my brother in law didn't even feel comfortable letting me walk in the basement. You could smell the house before you walked in it. No central air. In the middle of a crowded street with chain link fences everywhere and big barking pitbulls (not the ones people raise sweetly) across the street and next door. It basically needed gutted. So, yeah, it freaked me out.

The house we just made the offer on is ALMOST a corner lot. It has neighbors that take care of their homes. 
Rear bedroom: would be playroom/ nursery for 2nd kid if it comes that quickly
(confused about the squares in the corner? Me too. They are framed in wall paper)
needs: new door, windows, carpet, paint, light fixture, and closet doors
bedroom #2: would be Eli's room
needs: new door, window, carpet, remove mickey border (stupid mickey), light fixture, closet door, paint

Mater bedroom
needs:new door, windows, carpet, light fixture, closet door, paint
It has issues, but not NEARLY as major as the last one (and for about the same price). 

main bathroom:
this is shared between all 3 rooms. it is cramped!
needs: knock out wall and expand into hallway (where linen built-ins and closet are currently),  larger vanity, re-finish tub, new tile, window, paint, new built in)
Mud room/ utility room/ 1/2 bath
Needs: remove Winnie the Pooh border (I know you wondered), paint, tile, remove cabinets straight ahead (to widen the room), remove bars over 1/2 wall hiding the toilet, new vanity and cabinets…much smaller, window, properly plumb to washer
And then the kicker. 
The thing that kept me up until 2 am with Rico whispering in bed about the potential of the house….it is going to be literally yards away from a new giant park they are building here.
We can see it from our front yard.
Seriously, watch this and get excited: we're talking walking paths, amphitheatre, a place for FARMER's MARKETS, those fountains that shoot up from the ground for kids to run around in, and obviously, play equipment.

I. Love. Parks.

We'll be continuing to live with our in laws until we demo and re-do the house (it goes much faster than trying to live there and do it) Thankfully, they are AWESOME, and have made it super easy for us to live here. 
We basically took over the basement. 
We have our room, and Eli even has a nursery:

Even better- Eli gets to see them everyday….and I won't say that after a long day with him that I'm not more than happy to hand him off to someone who is excited to see him and play with him. It is better for him- AND for us. 
I don't think that grandma and grandpa mind too much either…

Friday, June 20, 2014

2 months

2 months. Holy crap.
Ok, so I am a little late on this one. Like, over a week late.
I think I can safely say that we "survived" the first month- but we are actually beginning to enjoy parenting now that we hit 2 months. 
As an added bonus: for the first time in almost a year, my body feels "normal" again….minus the leaking boobs. 
Nothing is living in me.
Nothing hurts (even nursing)- FINALLY
No organs are being displaced.
No hormones are taking me over.

Don't get me wrong- I LOVED being pregnant, but I was starting to wonder if I would ever just feel "normal" in my body again. It's hard to describe.

The biggest game changer this month: Eli SMILES and COOS and "TALKS"
Enjoy this little snippet…he goes from grumpy to chatty and happy pretty quickly

He reaches out for objects and can grasp them for just a few seconds- meaning I can pretend that he is purposefully shaking his rattle.

He is (super awkwardly, but adorably) finding his thumb.

He loves to stare at us and smiiiiiile in the mornings. 
How in the WORLD did I get a morning child?!
He especially likes to hear "I love you" (who doesn't).

We sing 3 songs EVERY morning. All three are about the days of the week- I'm not sure when this started, but it just kind of did. 

We've discussed our need to diversify- maybe bring in some ABC's or nursery rhymes. 

He does NOT like reading books. 
We have tried to read him this cute little book called "I Love You Stinky Face" 4 times now.
4 times.
Every time he cries before we get to the end.
How will I ever know if she will love his stinky face?!…oh wait.

He also started sleeping a bit longer during the night. He goes 3-4 hours at a time between feedings at night. Oh my what 1 more hour of sleep in a row can do for a person!

He moved to size 2 diapers and out of newborn clothes…I did manage to barely button this shirt on him though…it was too cute to only wear once!

According to his 2 month pediatrician visit:
He is just shy of 14 pounds…unless he just ate, in which case he is 14 even.
He is 24 inches long
So, basically he is just a little bit bigger than average- but just a tiny bit.


His Head.
Dude-man has a GIANT head.

99th percentile.
A lady at the grocery store (one of those strangers who sticks their head INTO the car seat) told me that he had a "cantaloupe head"
She meant this as a compliment- or at least a I assume she did since she said it with a smile.
It was so awkwardly funny to me that I have taken to calling him "my little cantaloupe head" all the time. 

It's also flat on the back…dang that "back to sleep"
It's also flat on the side. 
He doesn't like to look left, so his neck is weaker on that side.
Yes, I have a Zoolander baby.
We're working on it.

He also has a NASTY bellybutton. 

His bellybutton never quite healed right. 
Like pink, and oozy.
He had to have it cauterized.
It's not cute. 
Hopefully this one does the trick, because his onsies are tired of getting oozie crusties on them (I hope you aren't trying to eat)

He also loves to FLY. You'll notice that quite a few of my photos recently have involved him doing this- because sometimes that is the only way to make him happy.

He is also MUCH easier to get to sleep. Rico has pretty much turned it into a science. He has a perfect bounce-tip-toe walk that is hysterical to watch, but magical for getting Eli asleep.

I do NOT have this touch.
Sometimes Rico even has to instruct me.
I DO have boobs. 
Boobs with food.
It is the only "trick" I really have to sooth him- but it is a pretty darn good trick.
It's only not worked once- and that was after he got his vaccinations.

I didn't cry when he got them, but I DID sit out in the hall crouched on the floor while it went down.
When I walked back in to feed him (seriously, it is my ONLY trick) Rico told me it was the "saddest thing he has ever seen"

He's been sleepy and grumpy ever since. 
Max has taken to alerting us if Eli is crying and we don't seem to be responding quickly enough…AND sleeping as close as he can to him.
Made worse by an evil plan that I think babies get together and plot out: he was SOOOOO happy the morning before his shots. 
I mean beyond normal.
Hours of happy.
We were in the waiting room and he was just smiling and cooing and "talking" away.
During a play date last week, my friend told me that her baby did the SAME thing at his appointment. 
"Look mom, aren't I cute and perfect and wonderful? Don't you want to keep anything from ever hurting me or making me sad ever? Can't you see in my eyes how much I love you? You would NEVER let anyone hurt me, right?!"
Let the mom-guilt begin.

Seriously, every time I leave an appointment for him I get overwhelmed with mom guilt.

Here's 10 seconds in my mind as we were walking out:
"I'm not giving him enough tummy time. He's going to have torticollis. I am going to have to hire a physical therapist. I'm going to have to torture him with exercises. he's going to have to wear a helmet.

He's too short. He's going to be so short. What if he can't date girls because they are taller than him. Like Jessi Spannow.

He's too fat. I said I wanted him fat, I love the little rolls he's getting, but he is 63rd percentile- I wouldn't be happy if IIII were 63rd percentile. Oh wait, he's a baby.

I should have made his appointment closer to his birthday. A whole week later?! I mean, he is basically 3 months old already.

He hurts and he doesn't know why. I can't fix it. How can I fix it? Tylenol? But I don't want to. But I may have to. But I don't want to. Doesn't he have enough weird crap in his body right now?!
I should have looked into even more delayed immunization schedules. 

I wonder if the doctor would have even let me. I didn't even ask. 

I should have interviewed pediatricians- that's what a good mom would do.

I'm asking too many questions. I'm forgetting to ask more questions. I know that dude- why are you telling me that? If I didn't know that, I would be an idiot. Should I be writing this down?"

The guilt goes on and on. 

In reality, I know it is all normal. I know every mom questions herself. There are no right answers. That's tough for a girl who wants to ace everything.
Really, really hard.
Rico took my quietness (when all this was buzzing around my head) as me being mad at HIM…nope, just mom-guilt. Crazy, I couldn't explain it if I tried (and if I try I'll cry) mom guilt.