Thursday, January 29, 2015

Bad Day Solutions

When you have a rough day (not horrible, just everything being harder than it needs to be)…
you skip your workout
put on some sweatpants
drink a glass of wine
watch some Big Bang Theory
and eat a Carmel brownie sundae with cappuccino chocolate chunk ice-cream 

When you have a rough day AND you're breastfeeding…
you still do all those things, 
you mix your wine with 1/2 grape juice

When you have a rough day AND you're breastfeeding AND you've recently discovered that your child is extremely sensitive to caffeine and chocolate and it may very well be the reason he's been waking up 12-14 times a night...
you do all those things
you mix your wine with 1/2 grape juice
AND you swap your naughty snack from ice cream to a naughty snack of a GIANT bowl of cereal

Ladies and gentlemen…my Thursday night
(and we can go ahead and tell my sister to shove it - I KNOW I am not supposed to serve red wine chilled- and especially with ice cubes and mixed with grape juice)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Baby Food Secret

Yes, I eat baby food.
You might be thinking- "But your BABY doesn't even eat baby food"
You'd be right, with the exception of prunes.
Whole prunes (without crazy preservatives) are stupidly expensive. 
and messy.
and a choking issue.

Even before Eli came around, I ate baby food. 
The fruit flavors are SO yummy.
You eat applesauce right? 
Well, it's the SAME THING, only with different fruits.
It's an amazing dessert.
Yes, dessert, those suckers are loaded with sugar (one of the reasons I love them so much and also one of the reasons Eli doesn't eat them)
I've recently discovered another AWESOME reason to love purees.

During these cold winter days, I like hot oatmeal. 
I refuse to buy the pre-packaged stuff because it is jam packed full of sugar AND it is expensive.
So, I dump some oats in a bowl, mix in some cinnamon, and sprinkle in some frozen fruit.
The problem is that it is still too bland (remember, I am a sugar addict)
I used to add honey.
Then I had a child.
Who eats what I eat.
…and literally the ONLY food that every single website or book or pediatrician will tell you he can't have is:
I have THIS:

All you smart cookies have put it together already. 
That's some prune oatmeal. 

I give some to Eli, and I get the rest. 
I also eat it with his baby spoon, it helps me to not gulp it down.

Maybe some day I will mix it up. We bought more prunes at the grocery store last night and I saw some super tasty looking combinations. 
Pomegranite/Apple/ Blueberry oatmeal? 
Now that sounds fantastic!

So, here I am, singing the praises of pureed baby food. 
For me
as a sugar substitute,
and mixed in with a food that actually has a texture
….but singing its praises none the less.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

High Five

Tonight, I high fived my husband for catching handfulls of breastmilk vomit without spilling any on the rug or ottoman. 


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cabin Fever

Break is over, Rico is back at work. 
I am back at home with Eli, but the twist? 
It is FREEEEEZING outside.
Like, "don't let any of his skin show" freezing.

So I've been in this house since Tuesday night. 
Not even to the mailbox.
That's a lot of "hanging around" (sorry, it's a cute pic and it didn't fit anywhere else)

It's getting hard to be motivated to look nice. 
Not even kidding, this is me right now.
Except change "plaid flannel pj pants" to "my husband's over sized K-State sweatpants and a spaghetti strapped shirt with a giant hole."
I know, classy.
I've also toyed around with quite a few mom-on-the-go (who isn't going anywhere) hair-do's, including, but not limited to:
the "wet hair sloppy bun"
the "dried hair but didn't straighten or style it in any way"
the "use the alligator clip from your curlers and just put up the hair that falls in your face" 
the "clippie french twist that isn't supposed to actually be seen by anyone but I left it in all day"
and I am currently typing in the tried and true  classic pony tail

As whiny as I am about it, just imagine being a baby couped up in the same place.
We've had to get creative:
 I boiled some pasta. 

 It's white pasta that I used for bringing soup over the holidays, so I knew we weren't going to eat it (we're a whole wheat pasta kind of family), 
 So I figured we could do some sensory play with it.
 Eli embraced the idea easily
Note the giant wipeable tablecloth- purely practical, I wasn't trying to be cute.
 I mean he REALLY got into it

 Like, Really.
 In his hair, stuck to his butt…you name it

He even ate some…maybe 1 or two actually made it in his mouth, so I'm not too worried
  (I am going to roll my eyes SO hard at that when we have our second kid and they are chowing down on goodness knows what and I could care less)

 Then I put olive oil in the past so he could experience a new texture…that was too messy to document- but it DOES explain why he was naked for the next sensory bin
 AND why he needed a bath. 
Check out that rocking hair style…I couldn't have done it on purpose if I had tried. 

Nor would I- YIKES