Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pumpkin Patch'n

1 week ago, at Sunday brunch, Aunt Joni off handedly said, "Oh, I know, we should go to the pumpkin patch next Sunday!"
And then this happened.
Rico's family is amazing.
They got a pavilion and all the aunts and grandparents brought 
and drinks 
and more food
and caramel apples 
and more food
and s'mores fixings
and cupcakes and Texas Sheet cake
and cider

Eli was asleep at first- so we explored some games while he slept in his Tula. 
We swang on a potato sack swing
 …while he slept
 We climbed up a ladder through  a tiny hole in a clubhouse and then slid down...
 …while he snored
 We went down an even larger enclosed TUBE slide
 …while he napped
 We bounced on rubber horses while he caught some zzzz's….
 We balanced on a hanging tube and swung back and forth with daddy while he was in dreamland...
and we ate.
This, THIS is what woke him up.
Babies REALLY hate letting their parents eat.

Moving on from the "Why baby wearing makes life more fun" portion of the blog and onto some actual pumpkins!
If you think you saw this picture at the beginning of the blog already- you are wrong. It is ever so slightly different, and therefor warrants being posted too (in my version of life)
 We went with his cousin Grace to the closest pumpkin field (no hay-rack rides for us this year) and checked out the pumpkins.
 We pointed to pumpkins

 Sat on pumpkins
 banged on pumpkins
 and even tried to stand on a few pumpkins
 but we didn't pick any.
 You see, mommy and daddy are cheap- and those pumpkins are large.
and our baby is small.
So we agreed that we would grab one of the little baby sized pumpkins on the way out

and so we did. Eli did what any 6 month old would do. He put it in his mouth.

Hey, at least it is a vegetable
 (don't even try to argue with me that it is a fruit or I will have to give you my lecture)

We did some other fun things while we were there. 
One was sans Eli. 
Last year at Halloween I was pregnant, so I couldn't do it- but this year- THIS year my womb is empty
Oh, I look super confident, huh?
Let's zoom up a bit
Yes, a bit more "oh crap, I can't change a diaper if I break my wrist" than carefree.

We also tried our hand at a corn maze. Please note Ashleigh's face. 
Yep, that about sums it up.
Eli actually slept in the tula through this too…thank goodness because the way Rico was off roading with the stroller, rolling over downed corn stalks like speed bumps at 45 miles per hour…
poor little Eli would have popped right on out of the stroller if we had left him in.

And, my favorite event of the trip- the corn silo.
It was like a giant deep sandbox of CORN

I think that counts as our sensory play for the day.
Eli got tired…so it was time to leave
One last photo op on the way out
 I got jealous so I got in it
We got to the car for a feeding and diaper change before the long drive back home.
That's when it happened.
I opened his diaper
and found the biggest surprise in all these 6 months
ESPECIALLY since he is still exclusively breastfed
So I documented it
For you, really.
The poor boy had been hanging out with corn stuck in/on his butt for the last hour. 
I think you can imagine all the nooks and crannies they managed to stick to.
These are the sacrifices you must make for fun my son. 
A corn tushy.
Worth it.

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