Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I. Slept. All. Night.

It's been almost 2 years in the coming…but I got to sleep all night WITHOUT WAKING UP

I didn't wake up to pee from a baby sitting on my bladder

I didn't wake up because of pregnancy hormones giving me WEIRD dreams

I didn't wake up to nurse a baby.

Eli slept all night, and SO DID WE! 

I celebrated with a closed door shower, a quick at-home pedi, wine (ok, ok, 80% grape juice and 20% wine), chocolate ice-cream, and an episode of Call the Midwife. 
 As one should. 

This sounds all happy, happy, happy. 
Let me assure you, the process to get there was NOT.
We needed to have Eli night-weaned by the time we leave for vacation. So, we got a plan, marked it all out on our calendar, and put the "No Cry Sleep Solution" plan into action.

"No cry", um, yeah right. 
The idea is that it is a gentler way to help your child sleep through the night (an alternative to the Ferber method or Cry It Out method)
Let's just say, Eli's voice is still raspy from all the screaming he did. 
Week 1: hard-core schedule during the day (eating, napping), bedtime routine
Week 2: keep the schedule and add in more food during the day, keep bedtime routine
Week 3: No cry sleep solution at night (aka: no one sleeps for a week)
Week 4: Eli sleeps through the night- but stops napping
HOPEFULLY week 5 brings naps back into the picture…because mama needs a break. 

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