Sunday, August 16, 2015

Hormone #1 Update

This must be the gentle no big deal hormone…because I'm feeling pretty darn good! I actually feel better than when I was on the birth control! The only side effect I've noticed is that my dizzy spells have substantially increased (not EVERY time I stand up, but more than not)
I feel better within seconds- so no big deal AT ALL. 
I COULD be more tired, but it's hard to tell as I am pretty much always tired. I've always been able to nap anytime, anywhere. I used to take naps in my car outside of school my first year of teaching. Plus, after rocking him in a dim room with white noise for 15 minutes, I feel like anyone would want to take a nap. Eli's been sleeping in later (getting up closer to 6:45 rather than 6…those 45 minutes are HUGE), so he's really helping me out. 
Mood-wise, I FEEL the same. I asked Rico for his honest opinion, and he said he feels like I haven't acted differently. 
So far, SO GOOD! 
Sonogram Tuesday to check if the hormone has done its job and my lining is ready for their tiny human. If it is, we get to SCHEDULE THE EMBRYO  TRANSFER!!!!!!!!! Probably for the next week. 
Yes, yes, yes, yes yes!

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