Saturday, February 8, 2014

No Good, Very Bad Day

Today was the day we detailed the kitchen. As in empty all the cabinets, clean, paint, and re-stock/ re-organize. 
Like most projects- it looks worse before it looks better.
Like way, WAY worse

Rico took a break from all this fun to watch the K-State game.
With my ever-impeccable timing I yelled down the stairs: "When is this game over?! I'm lonely"
…with 1 minute left in the game.
So, let's say his mood was "not good"

Then it got REALLY good. 

Rico found THESE in our dining room

…AND more water stains in the living room.

Ice dams. 
Aptly named.

Let's just say: frustration was everywhere. 
Fuses were short. 
Crying was involved. 

A no good, very bad day.

The good news about a bad day is that it will get better.

In my case- it got SUBSTANTIALLY better. 
As in, as bad as it WAS, it was equally if not MORE awesome. 

I got a message from my friend who I've asked to be my birth photographer and to encapsulate my placenta (don't freak out…both are actually pretty awesome. As in I usually get most of my students to go from almost gagging at the idea to saying, "huh, maybe I should do that!" within just a few minutes. Check out her website if you are intrigued about the WHY and HOW parts.) 

Basically, she is awesome and is gifting me a gracious discount AND a maternity photo shoot for my baby shower.
I almost cried.
I didn't think that I would get to have maternity photos. 
We had reasoned that most people don't get to have photos from their labor AND maternity photos, so I had to choose. 
I chose labor. 
Raw, half naked (don't worry- you won't be seeing ANY of that), sweating, crying, in the most intense pain of my life-labor. 
Because it's real. 
It's capturing the most vulnerable moments of Rico and I's lives. 
It's capturing the moment we get to meet our little boy. 
It's capturing the moment I become a mom and Rico becomes a dad. 
It's capturing the moments that I might otherwise not remember- at least not with clarity.
and...for a much less mushy reason, it allows Rico to focus on me, Eli, and the labor rather than taking pictures. He can be all-in.

So I gave up on getting a maternity shoot. 

And now…now I get to HAVE IT ALL.
It's like Christmas!

Rico, although VERY excited (he did some fist pumping at the news of all the awesome savings), still needed an upper after spending some quality time freezing in the attic trying to prevent the leak from getting worse. 

Cue the GALLON of cookies and cream ice-cream. No bowl for THIS guy.
Now I think we are ALL back on track.

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