Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Nursery Update (Snow Day #2)

Snow Day #2
Today was a great day! Eli let me sleep in until 7:30 AND Rico worked from home today (because of the weather) so I could bug him all day in PERSON instead of just through text messages. 
As we went down for breakfast I jokingly said, "Do you want some home made cinnamon rolls?"
I don't know why I said it. 
It literally just popped out.
I NEVER do this.
Wait, what just happened here. 
Do I even have a recipe? 
Do I even have ingredients?
I found a recipe (albeit the most high maintenance recipe ever made. I had to scald milk and let the dang things rise like 5 different times. COME ON!)
I found the ingredients (kind of- we didn't have brown sugar, so I got creative with white sugar and syrup since we don't own molasses)
I also found...out that I am never doing that again. 
That was a stupid amount of mess.
Not to mention that I STILL had to make scrambled eggs with (turkey) sausage and veggies so I could actually feel like Eli was getting SOME real nutrients for breakfast. 
The unfortunate news- they were SO freaking tasty. 
Clearly...since you can see that Rico and I (and Eli) finished off nearly an entire pan in one sitting.

Still- never happening again. 

I followed that up with a glucose overload nap before waking up to finally take the plunge.

Today, today was the day I would FINALLY commit and hang up the nursery artwork I'd made so very, very long ago. 
So...here's a sneak peak at the nursery as it is coming along. 
It's woodland themed- hence the fox's, porcupines, hedgehogs, and owls.

I wish you could see his hat tree (on the right with the little fox hat and blue owl hat)- I just painted it blue today)

Here's his little owl rocker and tree (yes, we totally stole that from our next door neighbor's trash pile) with all his little woodland ornaments. You may also notice the little gnome at the base of the tree. That's Rico's pick.

The hedgehogs finally made their way up to the wall! We clearly still need the mobile, a changing pad (and cover) and a crib skirt- but we'll get there. 

And finally, the nursing corner...where I am sure I will be spending a LOT of time.

Oh, just kidding,  here's his closet. He has a lot of clothes...and car seats. 

....aaaaand here's a bigger perspective. 

I love his room. I leave the door open so I can look in it every night. Sometimes I just go in and sit. 
Here's what I love about it. 
1- Each piece has a story. We never went out looking for any of these things- they just came to us over the past year or so.
2- Almost nothing was full price.
I asked Rico, "How much do you think we've spent on this room" and we both decided less than $200. 
I. Love. A. Deal.
Presents from Grandmas: basically his entire closet of clothes, not to mention the blankets/sheets, lamp, etc.

Garage sales: the wooden display shelf, the hat tree, the hedgehog frames, the car seats (I know, I know, but we checked them out), cloth diapers (I know, I know), and other little knick knacks (like little lanterns filling up the planter under the tree. I got those garage saling with my mother in law before she even knew we were trying for a baby. i managed that one, but had to put down the pregnancy yoga dvd I REALLY wanted because I couldn't think of a lie fast enough that would explain why I wanted it)

Craigsist: the crib/ changing pad (again, don't worry, we checked it out for safety)

Hand-me-downs: the nursing chair was Rico's family recliner for YEARS before he took it with him to college. One of those stuffed animals on the changing pad is his VERY favorite elephant stuffed animal from when he was little. We even have some of his old little outfits. Very vintage. Very cool.

Gift-cards:  I may currently hate my insurance with the fire of 1,000 suns- but it DOES have its perks. The best perk? You get points for doing good things (like getting a physical or taking health classes) You can then redeem those points for visa gift cards. You can then use that visa gift card to make a purchase you would NEVER let yourself make otherwise (like a $50 tiny owl rocking chair. That is an insane price. There is no logic to it. Thankfully, I can justify the purchase since I paid with money I earned for basically proving that I am healthy)

The Dollar Section at Target: While new items are rare in this room- there are a few knick knacks here and there that I couldn't pass up.

Craft Projects: Like the frames with the scrapbook paper. When we bought them they looked like this 
(still cute..in fact I love them- but we originally bought them for a playroom that isn't going to be happening). 
The hedgehog frames had grosgrain ribbon and cheesy cartoon butterflies when I found them at a garage sale on our anniversary.  Now they look like this:

I made these birds for his soon-to-be mobile (I hope- that one could be tricky), and some bow ties with the extra fabric. 

And then there are the many, many things that just needed a coat of fun paint!

Other People's trash- to be fair, the tree was just sitting next to the trashcan. It was only outside for about an hour. I know those neighbors and they are very sweet (and clean) people who would have totally given it to us had I not played Russian spy and taken it under the cover of night. 
2 years ago. 
I knew what I wanted.

 Thrift Stores: more clothes, some random trinkets that I got to paint, and the wooden hamper and hangers (in the closet).

I realize that for some people this list is gross. Luckily, I get a thrill out of finding trash (sometimes literally) and making it into something better. 

On a more serious note- it is also one of the "sacrifices" I have to make to afford to stay at home with my baby. 
COULD we buy a brand new crib, and changing table, and dresser- sure. 
COULD we buy one of those SUPER cute gliding over stuffed nursing chairs- sure...and in fact I REALLY wanted one- until I saw the price. Even then, we still toyed with the idea of splurging. 
COULD we buy all new decorating items and clothes for our little one- absolutely. 
But, unfortunately, money doesn't grow on that little tree we picked up from our neighbors- so we make decisions now that will set us up to be able to have the things we REALLY value...because, for us, money is our biggest hurdle to me getting to stay at home.
I realize that these savings alone don't make the difference between being able to stay with Eli or not- but it DOES help to get me in the right mind-set. I practice now, so the future sacrifices won't seem so crazy. 

I want to be able to stay at home with Eli (at least part time), and if that means spending less than $200 on his nursery- then I am going to celebrate accomplishing that goal... 
and blog about it- because it was hard work!
But goodness do I love it. 
I really, really do. 

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