Thursday, January 29, 2015

Bad Day Solutions

When you have a rough day (not horrible, just everything being harder than it needs to be)…
you skip your workout
put on some sweatpants
drink a glass of wine
watch some Big Bang Theory
and eat a Carmel brownie sundae with cappuccino chocolate chunk ice-cream 

When you have a rough day AND you're breastfeeding…
you still do all those things, 
you mix your wine with 1/2 grape juice

When you have a rough day AND you're breastfeeding AND you've recently discovered that your child is extremely sensitive to caffeine and chocolate and it may very well be the reason he's been waking up 12-14 times a night...
you do all those things
you mix your wine with 1/2 grape juice
AND you swap your naughty snack from ice cream to a naughty snack of a GIANT bowl of cereal

Ladies and gentlemen…my Thursday night
(and we can go ahead and tell my sister to shove it - I KNOW I am not supposed to serve red wine chilled- and especially with ice cubes and mixed with grape juice)

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