Monday, December 9, 2013

The LEAST Attractive Photo

My Saturday was spent at school. That's right, 8:15-3pm....extra duty. 
Scholar bowl tournament. 

 I can't lie- I love it. It's basically like being a trivia game show host. Don't get me wrong, I DON'T love giving up a Saturday without pay- but as far as extra duties, I think I have the absolute BEST (I also have Prom) 

So, I got home at 3. Here's the problem. 

It was an intense sports Saturday here in KC- especially at 3.
Sporting played for the MLS cup
The Chiefs played
MU played for SEC Championship...
and KU- well, KU lost. 
Sorry, had to be done.

I, clearly, don't actually care about any of this. My husband, however, is emotionally invested in the Sporting and Chiefs games.
I can say this fairly based on the passion with which he yells at the t.v. 

Apparently, if I was going to have some husband time, I was going to have to go into the forbidden place.
The basement.
Yes, for lack of a better term, the man cave. 
The place with the neon bar signs, mini-fridge full of dark stinky beer I can't drink (and wouldn't want even if I could- gross), pool table, x-box, guitars I can't play, recliners, sports perpetually on the tv, and (in general) ALL things that are of NO interest to me. 
I can honestly say that there have literally been months at a time that I have not stepped foot in the bottom third of our home. 
If I wanted some husband time, I was going to have to go. So I went down. 
I wish that I could blame my outfit on trying to "blend in" to the manliness, you know, since I had stolen the ENTIRE outfit from Rico- but I can't. 
I like mens' sweatpants. 
Don't lie- so do you.

Within a few minutes, this is what the cave-of-things-that-bore-me did:

And there's Eli...basking in the light of the game. 

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