Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Big baby on the way

So- this is the image I see at EVERY appointment. It's on the website, it's on the paperwork, and it's on the door. Today, at our 39 week appointment I realized- I am finally that size! 

News from the appointment: 
I am OFFICIALLY over 190 lbs. 
Rico's reaction: "how…exciting?"
It kind of is.
(I know that's weird)
My blood pressure is good. 
Eli's heartbeat is strong. 
Once I got my belly out the midwife said, "Wow- look at him sticking out! He's going to be a big baby!"
(my belly was VERY lopsided. It was SUPER easy to tell exactly where he was)

She is guessing about 8 and half to 9 pounds right now. 
We laughed…we had banked on that from before we even started trying. No news there.
His head is angled a bit more toward my pelvis (rather than straight down) than she would like, so she gave us some pregnancy yoga excercises to do to try to get him in a better position.
She said it's because of some tight ligaments. The EXACT thing my chiropractor has been trying to resolve for these past weeks. 

What else did I accomplish today? 
You should know, I usually stray away from pedicures. 
I feel guilty that someone has to touch my feet- literally the whole time. 
BUT- a student gave me a giftcard with a basket of presents for Eli (this is not normal- she is extra sweet AND I had to come in over spring break to write her a letter of recommendation)

Look at those swollen feet….oh my. I couldn't even roll up my jeans- I had to let them get wet.

And, as a prize for making it to the end of this post…here's a peak at my past weekend. We keep getting kicked out of our house for showings- so I descided it might be a good time to go ahead and "move out" of my classroom and office.
I ALSO descided that this would be my last opportunity to make Rico wear my empathy belly. 
He refused.
I won.
Then he said "no pictures"
I won.
Then he said, "fine, but no one can see them"
I won- 
but DID agree to no facebook. 

He did what most guys do when they put it on- grabbed the boobs and said "this isn't that bad"
Then I made him try to sit in a desk. 
And tie his shoes.
Eventually he agreed it was awkward and uncomfortable.
It's true- it can be- but I love it. 
I freaking love it.

Rico says he is ready for Eli to come…not me. 

Being pregnant rocks. 
AND as an added bonus- taking care of Eli is SUPER easy.
My hands are free, and yet he is perfectly swaddled.
He doesn't cry.
He doesn't need clothes.
He doesn't need diaper changes.
When I eat, he eats- no worrying about a latch, no spitting up afterwards.
He isn't too cold or too hot. 
I can't drop him.
I can still work and cook and do everyting I normally do (for the most part). 

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