Thursday, July 17, 2014

Mommy updates

This will be waaaaay more than you want to know if you are
1- Not a woman
2- Not currently so involved in new mommy stuff that talking about girl things doesn't phase you
Don't say I didn't warn you. 
I'll start off easy…

Each morning Eli and I walk a couple miles to my parents house. Now I am going to start running parts of it. It has revealed a sad fact for me.
Our dog is officially getting old. He can barely make it on our walking days, and the couple of times I tried to jog with him…well, there was dragging involved and I look/felt like an abusive dog owner. So, although it will slow my goal of being able to run the whole way without stopping, I've decided to just walk it with Max on Tuesday/ Thursday. 
I'm using my couch to 5k ap again. This time I don't have the pretty lake and I am pushing a baby, so it is far less glamorous than 3 years ago. 3 years?! Yikes.
In other (ALSO less glamorous and more "why are you telling the Internet this") news- this morning God let me know that there has to be some balance in the world, SO to balance the extra sleep Eli has been getting at night (therefor the extra sleep I've been getting), my body has decided it is ready to have a baby again.
My BODY folks, not me.
Yes, I get to have my period again. Gross, I know, but honestly this is what is going on in my world. 
Oh, and I'm pissed and need to vent about it.
I was REALLLY hoping that since I am exclusively breastfeeding that I wouldn't have to deal with this until he started eating solids (about 6 months). I WANT THOSE EXTRA 3 MONTHS OF GLORY 
It's been a year since I have had to worry about this- and that year was awesome.
I even saw a video on Facebook yesterday: "What if guys got their periods" and I commented to Rico about what a nice perk it was to get to skip out on that part of life.
Honestly, I didn't even pack anything to deal with this. It's been so long- I don't even know if I even HAVE anything. (I used to have emergency packs EVERYWHERE- one in my purse, one in my office, one in my car: but I started giving them away like hot cakes when I found out I was pregnant.)
The good news? Well, it explains a LOT:
-My crazy acne (I'll be going to my high school reunion with MORE acne than when I was still IN school and I can't do much about it because I am breastfeeding and don't want to use anything with more than 2% of the ingredients that actually do work on acne)
-My OBSESSION with chocolate/ sweets lately. I realize that most of it is that I have REALLY been lax on my diet. Last night I ate white rice people. WHITE rice. I've been slacking on my eating for convenience sake, so I assumed that was 100% to blame for my obsession with getting chocolate in my body at all times. I even made Rico go get ice cream with me on a weeknight- and I ordered a sundae. Not once in my entire life have I ever ordered a sundae.
-My emotions. I react when I get my period the same way I react when I drink. 
I wonder if that is a thing? 
Anyway, I don't get mad…or sad…I get LOVEY and NEEDY.
You'll hear me ask my husband: "Do you love me?" "How much?" multiple times a day (it really is annoying, I realize this)
You'll find me randomly saying things like, "I really just love Rico so much."
Well, that happened JUST the other day, but NOW I also get mushy about how much I love Eli.
So much love going around!

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