Thursday, August 14, 2014

4 month checkup

4 months-
Thank goodness, Eli's stats are MUCH more in proportion this time (no 98th percentile head and 54th percentile body)
Could have fooled me with this picture angle
for the record:
Weight: 16 pounds 12oz (74th percentile)
Height: 25 1/2 in (72nd percentile)
Head Circumference: 43.4 cm (78th percentile)

So, basically, our dude is averagely big. Works for me.

Fun in my ever-saucer
The pediatrician ran through all the milestones he should be reaching and it was like hearing a checklist of my daily life (imagine all of his parts with a middle eastern accent)

Fine Motor Skills:
"He should be grabbing for toys and hair…" (as Eli has a fist full that he just plucked from my head-not hard to do thanks to those hormonal shifts)

"And smiiiiling and making noises with eye contact, and flirrrrrting- like he is with me right now"
"And mimicking"

"He may be starting to teethe in the next month or two…or now based on that trail of slobber"
His reward for being so awesome? Shots. 
Lots and lots of shots.
As I write this he is "talking" to his dad…he has been "talking" for the last 20 minutes- straight. It sounds a lot like whining, but it isn't technically whining. He is also slobbering. Everywhere. And pooping. He (happily) held it in for almost a week and then after being grumpy for a few hours out of nowhere- BOOM, "poop storms" that have taken out onsies, his exer-saucer seat, blankets (yes, multiple blankets), and the bumbo: multiple times.

…and then some pictures just for fun

Playing with Daddy
Family pic after Church
Overalls…grandmas freaking LOVE overalls. It is a universal truth

Nana with her grandbabies
Eli's new toy! I bought it for the future, but he actually had lots of fun on it already

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