Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wrapping up Labor Day Weekend

I woke up Sunday to something I hadn't experienced in weeks- a FULL NIGHT'S SLEEP.
Eli was so tired from his torturous trip home that he slept from 11-6:30. 
Thank you baby!
We got up and had some time playing with the three dogs at Jess's parents house as well as her parents, who, might I say, are naturals.
forgive his hair…Jess wanted to change it up a bit
Off we went to Lee's Summit so meet Rico, my friend Kathie, and her husband in Lee's Summit.
(Yes, remember that Rico had an adult man slumber party over there consisting of video games and final fantasy drafting) 
We ate at the mom-and pop style diner they have right in the old "downtown".
I ordered something called "the trash can", that had pretty much every unhealthy thing in one big pile. 
And it was delicious.
AND I ordered an extra cinnamon roll (you get one free)- 
because I am an adult and I can, that's why.
After breakfast we took a trip over to Rico and I's old favorite thrift store. 
Thrift stores in our new area SUCK.
We met one of my old students there so she could see how much Eli had grown- and I shopped.
I was right- this is the BEST thrift shop. 
Eli got a bag of stuff- AND it all happened to be half off that day.
We took the long way back to the highway to go home (through our old neighborhood and past our old house)
Rico told me I wasn't allowed to leave the garage door opener (I had forgotten to leave when we moved out) on the doorstep because apparently "That would be creepy"
I think it is creepier that I can probably get in their house!
The drive home did not go well.
Eli was awake AND fussy, the entire drive home.
We made more stops than usual because of his mood, so our 3.5 hour drive ended up being closer to 6 hours…Rico and I both fighting off sleep the entire time.
It wasn't all bad though! At one point Eli was being SUPER fussy and we were trying to decide when/where to take our next break. 
He told me that he had a plan.
"Remember that orchard you ALWAYS want to stop at and I ALWAYS say no? I thought today might be the day"
What a thoughtful husband! 
It turns out, this place is a winery too- so it was a DOUBLE win because I was just telling him the other day that I wanted to go to a vineyard.
It is called Pome on the Range. 
Cute huh?
They had AMAZINGLY tasty peaches 
and interesting wine flavors.
And DUCKS! Eli loved the ducks.

 We got back on the road with a basket of peaches, a bottle of raspberry apple wine, some adorable pictures, and a little bit more energy to finish out our trip.
We were all in better moods- including Eli who was pretty darn entertaining.

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