Friday, November 7, 2014


As promised…Hallo-WEEK
He started AND ended the week as an Elephant. 
The week before Halloween our church had a Trunk-or-Treat. 
It was 90 degrees. 
Not kidding, that was the actual temperature.
He was hot.

He was also our Little Stinker (a Skunk), which is even better because one of my VERY favorite books to read him is one from a past co-worker called "I Love You Stinky Face". 

 Sometimes Eli wore his costume all day. Like when he was superman
At a downtown coffee shop

At Walmart, where he had his first sit in the cart experience (instead of being worn). He thought it was AWESOME, especially when I ran down the aisle so his cape could fly. There was a lot of giggling.
 To lunch with dad at the Old Town Old Chicago

 He also flew
 He loved it.
He peed through the ninja turtle one before we ever even left the house- but here's a picture anyway.
He had a batman day, but for some reason I didn't take pictures of that. 
Mickey Mouse- he was not a fan. 
Which is fine by me. 
I think Mickey is crack for babies.
 Then it was ACTUAL Halloween, and there was a huge cold front (like ALWAYS), so the Elephant seemed appropriate. First we went to visit his great grandparents.
He got his VERY FIRST treat for trick-or-treat: peach flavored Gerber Puffs. 
He has a couple while we were there. 
What a thoughtful great grandma!
Then we went off to visit the other set of great grandparents (and some great aunts and uncles, and even  Rico's second grade teacher got to hold the baby as he got passed through the crowd at the football game.)
He was quite the hit.

 As you can see…it was very cold.
 Rico finally gave in to my peer pressure and put on the strongman costume I had made him when we got to my parents' house to wrap up our night of trick-or-treating…
but by that time Eli was OUT cold!

We tried to take family photos anyway…

 After making my mom take 27 pictures and the response "Well, the camera never lies" to my comment that I didn't like the last picture because I thought it made me look fat…Rico decided it was in everyone's best interest to take the camera over.
But, not matter who had the camera, this little guy was not having it.
Hallo-WEEK was just too much awesome.

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