Sunday, May 4, 2014

Doing so Little never Felt LIke so MUCH

Life has slowed down substantially. My to-do list on a typical day is 
-feed Eli (multiply this by 1 million, as it is pretty much all I do all day)
-Burp Eli
-Dress Eli
-Change Eli's diapers
-Go to the bathroom
-Eat lunch
-Run 1 errand while Eli screams in the car (off and on)

These things look simple- and yet they literally take up my ENTIRE day. 
It doesn't FEEL slow, but when I get excited about accomplishing something, I look at that list and think…WOW, that does not sound NEARLY as impressive as it feels.

Life is different. 
Like Friday nights.
I spent this Friday night on the couch, feeding my child as he went through one of his marathon eating sessions. 
I forgot to eat dinner.
We were under NO illusion that we were going to do anything that night. 
Our "big plans" were to watch a Nw Girl episode we had recorded.
We forgot to do that too.
This kid- he is powerful.

We also started adding floor and tummy time to the mix before bed. 
 He tries his best- and lasts about a minute before he starts fussing too much.
I also spend lots of time taking multiple pictures of him when he does ANYTHING or wears ANYTHING I find to be remotely picture-worthy. Like when he reenacted awkward senior photo poses for me.
When I say that changing diapers is on my to-do list each day, I should be more honest. Rico is the primary diaper changer. In the first week of Eli's life I changed 1.5 diapers (I helped with one).
I've really upped my diaper count since then- especially this last week. 
Eli gives me PLENTY of opportunities to practice. 
Yesterday, he pooped 
THROUGH his diaper
THROUGH his onsie
and ONTO my jeans.

I decided that since I had to change him anyway, I was going to at least enjoy it. So I changed him into this get-up. 
Since the weekend came, we've spent a lot of time napping. A LOT of time.

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