Thursday, November 28, 2013

Modest is Hottest

Rico took off early to meet me for our 20 week ultrasound.  We walked IN with excitement- I walked OUT pouting, and yes, crying. 
Our baby is modest. Rufio was hiding behind the umbilical cord and wouldn't move. I was convinced that I was going to have to wait until Rufio was born to find out the sex of our baby. This is not an easy idea to swallow when you are a type-A planner.
Rufio was also, as an added bonus, lying in a way that made it so we couldn't even really get a good profile shot. Come on baby!
Once it was clear that we would be leaving not knowing the sex, the waterworks started.

Just to be clear, I knew, and we even discussed, that this was such a trivial thing to make me so emotional. There were SO many other things that we could have left that appointment crying about that are FAR more life altering and important than knowing if your baby is a boy or a girl. 
That is reality. 
That is logical. 
That is mature.
THAT is not how my hormones let me see it.

I made Rico call our parents/ siblings to tell them that the gender reveal was off. I couldn't do it- I was too disappointed and stuck in my version of reality where I would NEVER get another sonogram (my midwives typically just have moms do a 20 week ultrasound) and we would NEVER know. 

Still crying, I told Rico that I wanted to wallow in food and to head to our favorite bar for my VERY favorite comfort food- cheese dip called "The Steve". 
Yes, I pouted the whole meal. 
Yes, I shed a few tears in the bar. 
Yes, I threw a fit about the fact that EVEN MY FOOD HAD A DISTINCT GENDER. 
I even said to Rico, "I know I am not handling this well, and that's just going to have to be ok for now." 

Rico knows JUST how to handle me when I get like this. He keeps it light- he makes me laugh. 
I do a LOT of crying and laughing at the same time with him.
 He lets me cry. He acknowledges that the situation sucks, but he refuses to let it consume him. He's good. Oh, he's good. At one point he looked at me and said, "Let me try to fix this- you don't worry about it, but I am going to fix this."

I didn't believe him. 

I was wrong.

He fixed it. 

Once we got home, he went straight for the computer. Within 30 minutes we had an appointment in our hometown at a private ultrasound place. It was the day before Thanksgiving, and they had an open appointment in the afternoon. Oh, and get this, RICO FOUND A COUPON!

Gender reveal BACK on. 

Hope was restored. Crying ceased. Decorating with bows and mustaches commenced. 
It. Was. On.
Niki's wedding favors came in handy quickly! 

"Mustache or Bow" Silly String and Hershey Kiss Nutter Butter acorns for the gender reveal.
So yes, as of this moment we know if Rufio is a little Maggie or a little Eli.
We have a few more family members to tell at Thanksgiving- and then I'll be back to share lots of photos...and a video of the moment we found out.

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