Monday, November 4, 2013


We bought a car seat AND a stroller.
We bought a car seat and a stroller?
Yes, we bought a car seat and a stroller.

It was very "parent" of us. 

EVERYONE seems to swear by their strollers. I have YET to meet a parent that didn't think that their stroller was THE best stroller in the world and FAR superior to all other strollers. Most of these parents bought very fancy strollers with lots of features. 
My theory is that people like what they have- no matter how good it actually is. We'll be putting that theory to the test- since we did NOT buy a fancy stroller. 

I am NOT super confident about this theory- just to be clear. 

This could very well be a very big mistake. 
Scratch that- not that big, SINCE WE BOUGHT IT FOR SUCH A DEAL. Also, I hope to do a lot of baby wearing, so hopefully we won't actually use our stroller a lot. This could be a mediocre mistake. 

We saw it for sale used online (yes, again with the used), did a quick google search to check for safety and pricing, and within 1 hour we went from sitting on the couch brainlessly watching Hook to pushing an empty stroller in circles around our driveway to check the turning radius.  

It matches the woodland theme of the nursery (yes, I do realize that doesn't matter), and it makes me happy. 

What makes me even happier? 
Rico came home with a bouquet of daisies for me. 
This hasn't happened since the "Who did you buy these for?" red rose incident about a year ago.
*note: I don't love red roses. I think they're cliche. I love daisies. White daisies, Gerber daisies. Daisies.*
Rico said he was "68% sure" that he bought daisies and "not those ones you hate" (carnations). 
Good work. 
What makes me EVEN happier?
Then, he jumped off the couch and said, "I have a surprise- I'll be back"  
10 minutes (and one VERY loud crash) later he called me up to see it. 
He had googled our new stroller and found out how to set it up so we could nest the car seat in there. What a good dad. 

Our baby has wheels. 
No gender. 
No name. 
I can't even feel it yet (I think?) 

But wheels. 

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