Saturday, January 18, 2014


In my Parenting classes yesterday we talked about nature vs nurture and temperament. We discussed how there may be a genetic factor in temperament because we find that even infants display those natural tendencies. They figured out their temperaments and shared stories about how they knew (mainly because I like to see what I'm working with so I can adjust my teaching- but with the added bonus of the HILARIOUS stories that always come from the "difficult" temperament groups)

Without fail, every class asked: "What do you think Eli is?"
"If I had to guess, I would say "easy" because he tends to wake up and have a kicking party at right about 9pm and right about 5:30 every morning regardless of what I am doing.... But that could just be wishful thinking"  (both Rico and I were somewhere between "easy" and "slow to warm up" babies- so it would be an easy match)

Here's a video of a little kick. (You'll see me inhale and then right above my bellybutton you'll see him kick)

Last night, Eli was rumbling around (yes, rumbling, not kicking) and I looked up at the clock: 9:07.

This morning I was woken up by him and I looked at the clock and laughed- 5:35.

Dearest son: you are awesome- and I love that you are reinforcing a point I made in class, but it is Saturday. Saturdays are for sleeping in.

Oh- wait, babies don't care about weekends? Well, that sucks.

...and on an unrelated note: here's a pregnancy profile update. We were headed to our Bradley class- and this time I DIDN'T wear a dress- as that can make practicing squatting in a room of new acquaintances pretty awwwwwk-ward.

Lesson learned.

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