Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

How I spent my Christmas vacation...

duh, I already talked about that.

A visit from my mom
 2 days spent shopping...where I found THIS chair. It rocks (in all ways). Look how little it is!
Just 24 hours earlier I had declared: "No more owls- we have reached owl capacity"
Eh- add it to the list of things I've been wrong about.

playing You Don't Know Jack on x-box,
Wife and Mother-in-Law take over Rico's x-box to play trivia all night. I would like you all to know that I dominated. 
and taking her on a tour of our Birth Center

Working on the nursery
We set up a nursing chair, Rico built the lamp his mom bought us for Christmas (it dims with a foot pedal- should be VERY handy for late night feedings), and....

I FINALLY made some of the wall art I've been meaning to make since I bought the frames  before we were even pregnant. Tiny boy and girl hedgehogs. Come on!

Celebrating the New Year
...pregnant-style, thanks to my (self-proclaimed) "Mocktologist" husband and Oklahoma Joes. He calls this the "Safe Sex on the Beach"
I've had 6 in the past 2 days.

Yes, our tree is still up. It sparkles and I like it. So, there.

Safe Sex on the Beach Recipe 
(In Rico's words): 
Peach Juice (Trader Joes)- "just a little"
Orange Juice- "a little more"
Cranberry juice- "the same amount as the orange juice"
Optional- but fun for presentation:
Grenadine- a splash
Maraschino Cherry (or 3 if you are my husband)

Our friend Jess joined us to ring in 2014- and I FINALLY got to give her the present we found for her this summer....a Smores Maker! Look at those mallows roasting!

Unfortunately, I only had mini-marshmallows (I don't like marshmallows), a Hershey bar that had melted and re-hardened in a mystery shape (from this summer- when it WASN'T like Antarctica outside), and some Graham crackers with a questionable expiration date. 
As you can tell, smores (and smores ingredients) do not float my boat.
The good news is- the smores can ONLY get better from here.

Speaking of what can only get better from here...I spent the last hour of 2013 puking my guts out. It was like a cartoon. 
I mean, really, it was quite impressive. 
We're pretty sure I got it from my mom- but I ALSO ate a LOT of sugar that night. 
You saw the drink recipe- but I neglected to mention that we busted open the "sin box"-our box of candy that we hide from ourselves. You have to go through a bit of a process to open it, so it makes you think twice before chowing down. body can't binge like it once could. Pregnancy aside- I just haven't eaten like that in, well, exactly a year ago when I got started with the healthy eating. 
My 100% sober New Years Eve ended with puking, a peck from the hubs (to avoid possible puke breath), and going to bed at 12:02 with a bowl next to my bed in case I couldn't make it to the toilet. 

We spent New Years Day sleeping in (I'm not sued to being up past 9 pm) and thrifting: 
50% off at Red Racks and City Thrifts! 
I got a coat (as the buttons on my coat are barely hanging in there as my belly grows) and some maternity tops/dresses while Eli got...

Some adorable clothes. A "dad shirt" (what Rico calls all plaid shirts) to match his dad, 
an Adidas zip-up to match his grandparents (Rico's parents both have black Adidas jackets like that), 
and a swimming top to go with the tiniest cutest swim trunks his grandma Brown got him for Christmas.  
The other two onsies were just too cute (and cheap- 50 cents!) to pass up. 

I came home and took a 3 hour nap.
Because I can: that's why.

Rico and I had dinner in, we snuggled with an extra needy Max, and we played some "heads up" while he drank wine and I drank....yes, another Safe Sex on the Beach.
Tomorrow we both go back to work.
I'll be "working from home" as I get together my blockout for next semester's classes and then I am officially required back at school on Friday.

A great break.
A great break, indeed.

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