Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Gender Guessing

Top 3 Quetions I Get Asked: 
#1- How are you feeling? 
A: Awesome, the second trimester is amazing

#2- Do you know the gender yet? 
A: No, or you would

#3- Do you want a boy or a girl? 
A: We always said we wanted a girl- like, always. Recently though, we've realized a few things- 
All CLEARLY super important and not trivial or superficial in ANY way:

     a. newsboy caps, sunglasses, suspenders, cardigans, and onsies with bow-ties are freaking adorable (ok- I'VE realized this)
     b. having the second grandchild is not nearly as exciting as having the first (and our baby is the second on BOTH sides), so it might be fun to have the first boy on both sides. 
     c. little baby girls turn into emotional (and expensive) teenagers. Erik learned this firsthand from his first chaperoning experience with me to Nashville. It was VERY eye opening.
     d. our nieces are super cute. Like- REALLY cute. I just don't want to put my child through the pressure of living up to all that. 

I know there are lots of supersticions, so let's indulge in those for a bit, shall we?

Baking soda test: it fizzed- boy.
This is gross, I realize that. I told you- I lack boundaries and filters. 

Conception date (closeness to ovulation date)- If my charting is right, then boy. 
If you base it on an average cycle- girl. 
Chinese calendar- girl

Food cravings- salty, not sweet- boy

Necklace test-girl

Heart rate (over 140 says girl, under says boy). Our heart rate as of tonight......140. 
Erik's reaction, as soon as the midwife left the room after telling us was to say, "Well, it looks like we're having a hermaphrodite. That's ok, we'll love them the same and then let them choose." I started telling him that some parents actually choose for them when they are little so they can have a gender identity growing up and that there are some benefits to reconstructive surgery early on. The midwife walked back in and said, "Surgery- what are you guys talking about now?"
"Just if our baby was a hermaphrodite"
Poor lady. Earlier she had walked in on us talking about if pregnant women carried babies in their backs instead of bellies or if they could birth through their mouths by unhinging their jaws like snakes.
Man, we really know how to make a good first impression. 

I have no real boy vs. girl hunch. 
Sometimes I slip and call her a girl. 
Sometimes I find myself naturally calling him a boy. 

There you have mysteries solved today. 

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