Thursday, October 31, 2013

4 Costumes, 1 Trick, and 1 Treat

I love Halloween.

I love dressing up in costumes. 


Yard Gnomes


I love candy.
I love seeing little kids in costumes, punny costumes, retro costumes, pet costumes, group costumes- you name it. 
Max as a Bunny

I get an added Halloween bonus...I get to celebrate MULTIPLE times. You see, although I teach high school students, 3 hours a day I also run a "preschool" for my child development classes. We do a costume parade every year. Not only do I get to see all their cute costumes (which are SOOOO cute), I ALSO get an excuse to wear an extra costume each year. 

But what about THIS year-
My pregnancy isn't quite Halloween ideal. My bump isn't noticeable enough to base a costume around, but it is "bumpy" enough to pretty much write off any sort of attractive costume.  So, I committed to being more funny than cute for all of my costumes. Yes, ALL of my costumes. 

1- Lizzie's birthday. Rico came up with the idea of going as Uncle Rico- seems logical, right? I bumped that idea up about 1,000 notches by getting my parents to be other Napoleon Dynamite characters. Rico grew out his hair and facial hair so he could have a sweet 'stache. My dad even shaved his beard for the first time in my entire life. 
Uncle Rico, Deb, Napoleon, and Pedro
2- My Preschool costume...I had a hard time deciding between these two

But a pipe didn't seem very preschool appropriate- so I saved this outfit for passing out candy.

and finally...

3- A happenstance costume. My friend let me try on part of her costume before leaving school

The Trick? 
Well, the art department jumped out at me (in the middle of class) and made me scream so loudly that the secretary all the way up in the front office came out to see if everything was ok. My throat still hurts. I told them that they owed me a treat- and I demanded raspberries. 
"Are those even in season?"
"No- so they'll be super expensive. That's what you get"
I got a giant carton. 
All is forgiven.

The Treat? 
Well, I hope you like bump pictures- because that's my treat for you