Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Obscure Blog Title? Not Really.

You know that game: "If I won millions and millions of dollars, what would I do with it?". Not to brag- but I have some really good ideas. 

One of my favorites is that I would buy a GIANT complex and re-create all of the 90's game shows. We're talking Global Guts, Legends of the Hidden Temple, and even Supermarket Sweep. I can't tell you how much trash Rico (my husband's nickname) and I have talked about how we would dominate each of these. The only real problem is that he wants to be a Silver Snake and I know that the Green Monkeys are where it's at. How am I supposed to get all the triva questions while he carries us in the physical skills and temple run if we are on different teams?! Tell me you haven't always dreamed about running through that temple, and I will tell you that you clearly didn't spend enough time plopped in front of a television as a child. Silly you, actually PLAYING outside instead of watching other people do it on t.v.

Another richie-rich idea includes hiring a personal photographer to follow me around and capture all of life's candid moments without me having to stop to miss out on them. Similarly, I would hire someone to write songs for all of life's best moments. Basically, they'd write the soundtrack of our lives. Without question that person would be JJ Heller. She writes songs that make my heart happy. She writes songs that fit almost every stage of my life. And then there was this...

After 5 years or marriage, and dating since before we could even drive, Rico and I "get to be the ones"- AHHHH!

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