Monday, October 7, 2013

If I am not Pregnant...I am SUPER Crazy

Morning Sickness- 
Yep,  at 3 VERY specific times of day. At one point I had to lock my class out of the room and turn out the lights to pretend that I just hadn't gotten to class yet (so I could run to the bathroom and dry heave a little).

Ohhhhh yeah. There was one moment, where my pregnancy brain had led me to mis-calculate and charge a woman less for something than I meant to. Erik pointed it out to me (very nicely), and I almost lost it on him. Then, it was as if I returned from an out of body experience. I shook my head and just said, "Whoa, I'm sorry, I'm not sure where that came from". He smiled, laughed, and said: "You ARE pregnant!". I went upstairs and brought him a beer as an "I'm sorry I just turned into a lunatic for 45 seconds" peace offering.  That was the moment I was pretty sure I was pregnant (this was before the test confirmed it)

Pregnancy Brain-
I was going through setting up for school when most of my symptoms started to become noticable. I spent 45 minutes one day trying to "fix my broken smartboard." I am pretty tech savy, usually I can fix most of my tech problems on my own.
 I. Was. Ticked. 
Just what I needed the day before school- a broken smartobard. As an added bonus- the tech department was overwhelmed by an overwhelming number of issues and there was no way they would get to me within the first month of school. 
A few male teachers came in to visit. I vented to them, and they did what men do, went to fix it. Well now my rage was DOUBLED. What am I, a stupid woman who needs a man to fix it? I think not! They would see...I had tried EVERYTHING.  
Within 30 seconds the art teacher solved my problem. The problem? The cleaning staff had, thoughtfully, put a clear lens cap on the projector over the summer.

You know what is awesome? Teaching teenagers while YOU have acne EXPLODING all over your jaw line. Come on! Added bonus- I stopped using my acne treatment because it contained more than 2% salycidic acid. Another added bonus- this stuff HURTS! I guess there are no up-do's for this teacher for a while.

One night, I brought home "In the Womb" from work. I show it to my classes each year, but this year I wanted to create a new video guide. I knew Erik would get a kick out of it, so I brought it home. I was asleep before trimester. Sitting up. Still holding my wine glass full of grape juice. (Yes, I do that. A lot.) 

Don't get me wrong, I am a lazy, lazy woman. Not just now that I am pregnant, but in life. My job is tiring. I know, so is yours, but there is something about having to be "on show" all day long, while also making connections with 130 different kids, keeping them engaged, answering their questions, helping them figure out how to resolve the problem that requires them to have something special done for them that requires my class to be interrupted (I need to go to guidance halfway through the hour. I left my textbook in my locker. I am going to be gone for the next 10 days, can I have all my work now?), and making every decision quickly even though I have to think of every possible way it can go wrong. 
I'm tired.

Thankfully, my husband read "Dude, You're Going to Be a Dad". I dont' know what is in the book, but I know that it makes him laugh out loud and it has made him even MORE aware of my needs than usual. I also know that we went to 6 used book stores trying to find it. No one gets rid of that bad boy. Now I know why. 
Rico makes sure I get to bed by 9 each night. After I go to bed, he picks up the house, even folding up the couch throws I have made my home from the time I get home until bedtime. He cooks AND cleans dinner when I am too zonked out (usually I cook and he cleans because I like to cook and HATE to clean. Hate it.) One day, he even emailed me and asked if I could make a grocery list so he could go grocery shopping for me. WHAT?! Ok!
I told my sister about this, and how I thought the book was to blame, and she pointed out that those were all very "Rico things to do anyway". So, I shouldn't give all the credit to the book, I do have a very thoughftul man. 

Body Changes-
Last year, I got in shape. I lost somewhere around 8-10 inches around my waist...and a whole cup size. Eh, you win some, you lose some (literally). 
Well- that problem has corrected itself. That's all you need to hear on that topic. 

I also feel fat. Ok, "fat" is the wrong term. Bloated? Swollen? Whatever word I choose- it isn't pretty. When I still wasn't sure if I was pregnant yet, I thought that maybe I was just gaining back all the inches I had lost because I had been SO tired that I hadn't worked out like I had been. In fact, "Coach Brown" (what I call Rico when we are in workout mode) won't let me. We went from high intensity workouts with squats, lunges, burpees, ab sessions, weights, tabadas, parking lot sprints in 90 degree weather, and interval training that usually left me soaking in sweat and panting like a dog to "pregnancy approved" workouts. 
Don't worry, I still get to have some fun. 
He has tried to tell me that I can't plank anymore....I boycott that idea. I like planking. I know it will have to go eventually but (until I have a belly that is actually getting in the way) I refuse to quit that one yet. I will, however, gladly give up those darn suicides in the parking lot without a tear in my eye.
 I can pretty much do everything else, I just don't push myself to the same point. 

Yes, I may be pregnant, but until I have a BUMP I just look like I ate too much Chipotle. I need a light on my forhead that says if I am feeling fat that day, or pregnant.  Sometimes I want Rico to notice my growing bump- so I think he would especially appreciate this light. I can't tell you how many nights he has tried to "compliment" my belly and I went into a diatribe about how fat I looked. Poor guy. One night, he walked in as I was getting ready for bed and ACTAULLY GASPED at my belly. I don't know about this whole my husband looking at my belly to check to see if it has gotten bigger thing. It gives "My eyes are up here" a WHOLE new definition.  Thankfuly, he did agree to not touch the emerging bump while I am sitting. Standing- go for it. Laying, knock yourself out. But, when I am sitting and things turn into rolls and are bulging where they didn't used to bulge- I do NOT want your hand there. "Please". And "thank you." He also used to say "No, you're pushing out, it can't be that big". Well, I can assure you that I am not "pushing it out" because I have officially lost all ability to suck in OR push out. My bump is what it is. 

I've got to GO!-
Yep, I now have the bladder of a 3 year old in an airplane. When I have to go, I have to GO... and I have to go a LOT. I knew to expect sleepless nights and going more often, but I REALLY didn't think that I would go from sleeping through every night to waking up 2 and 3 times EVERY night within two weeks
I know, I know, "It's just getting you ready for later!". Can we please add this to the list of things you shouldn't tell a pregnant woman? 

These are more "secondary pregnancy symptoms". First, my body smells more. It isn't a mystery why- I  am TIRED. When I am tired, I sacrifice a morning shower so I can have 1/2 hour more sleep. So, every so often, I don't shower before work. Ok, every other day. Fine.
Then, on top of my natural ode-de smelly woman I add a layer of nastiness. Yes, on purpose. Every morning, and every night, I cover my body with the smell of old Halloween. You know the smell. Think back to opening your halloween candy 2 months after haloween, when all that was left were the loser pieces of candy...the tootsie rolls and random things wrapped in orange. I smell like hard, expired tootsie rolls. 
Cocoa butter. 
Every night, and every morning I lather up with it- and every night and every morning I wish I could escape from myself. I'm sure they make scent-less versions, but I am cheap, and I am going ot use the rest of the bottle I already bought. All I have to say, is that after this attack on my olfactory system, I BETTER NOT GET STRETCHMARKS. Who am I kidding, I will. 
My sister is the one that suggested the cocoa butter (and some other things) and SHE didn't get stretch marks. Yeah, well, she also never had acne when we were growing up and I did- so I'm not banking on genetics here. 

Sneezing Complications-
Now, I expected all the rest of these symptoms, but I never taught my students about SNEEZING more. Not only do I sneeze more, I can't seem to control them like I used to. I used to be able to keep my sneezes a little controlled, borderline cute. Now, there is no conrolling those bad boys.
Not only are they louder and more aggressive, if I sneeze while laying flat I get sharp pains. Ahhhh round ligament pains. Who knew?

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