Thursday, October 3, 2013


Now that we knew we were going to start trying, officially, we went back into our normal planning mode. The original plan was to start trying in June (assuming that the first month would be a bust, and that maybe we would be successful in July). You see, the plan has ALWAYS been to maximize my maternity leave by making it bump up perfectly next to summer- basically tripling my 6 week "leave". It's in the spreadsheets. Obviously, I am not the first teacher to think of this, just check how many April babies teachers have.
The problem is, our little baby ah-ha moment didn't come until AFTER my June ovulation cycle (yes, there's an ap for that.)
Plan B- we start trying in July and hope that we were lucky enough to conceive the first go-around. I checked my ap...we would be trying the week of our actual anniversary, July 19th (we took our Mexico trip a month early- to get a better deal). Obviously, Rico wan't complaining about this step in the process. That's quite enough about that. 

So, I began preparing. I teach Parenting class to High School students, so I talk a lot about pregnancy. My first step in this pregnancy was to set up my endometrium lining. I wanted my little blastocyst to have a nice plush, healthy endometrium lining to embed in- so I started the process of "goodbyes" a little earlier than some might. I started the weekend before the 4th of July- the 4th was my last day of naughtiness.
4th of July, watching the fireworks over our lake

"Goodbye" Georgia Peach Long Island' Iced Teas

"Goodbye" raw salmon sushi

"Goodbye" caffeine and sugar filled frappuccinos
"Goodbye" ice-cream and bad-for me treats

If only there was a picture of having I wish I had gotten a chance to say goodbye to that one for the next 3 months! 

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