Saturday, March 15, 2014

Random Updates

1- Breast pump came to our house. I opened it, got confused, and packed it in the closet. In the back. I'll figure that out some day later. Hopefully much, much later.

2- My hips are normal again. I would have NEVER believed it if it wasn't happening to me- but 2 adjustments and I am feeling GOOD

3- I had lunch with 2 friends at Dean and Deluca (yes, I had an $18 lunch…I couldn't stop buying food). Afterwards, I went to finally get to see my friend's work. She works in a church for student ministries (I know- she's so cool). She took me in to see the youth center where they have youth group. Holy. Cow. 
First of all, you walk in and just past the pods of computers set-up cafe style there is a looooong wall. 
A normal wall- no, a rock wall. Why wouldn't there be, really. 
Obviously, I needed to test out my new hips/pelvis and hang on it

I promise, my belly is much larger than this. Oddly the horizontal stripes seemed to have (for the first time in the lives of horizontal stripes) actually concealed the bump.
Then she took me upstairs. I took this picture to make Rico jealous of her job. Yes, those screens on the wall are each Ps4's and such. 
I think it worked. 
We also got to see the worship area and stand on stage. I told Eli that he wasn't allowed to play the drums, even though I really, really, really like them. I just don't like them enough to have someone learn how to play them in my house. No thanks. He IS, however, allowed to play the box. Jess and I both decided that this is instrument makes any and all songs awesome. Apparently it is called a Cajon.
I call it heaven.
I fell in love with it at a JJ Heller concert. 

4- So, our baby is the size of a watermelon. I took this picture to prove it to Rico.

 I feel like that escalated quickly. I literally feel like last week they were saying some sort of squash or a head of cabbage or some other not-nearly-as-giant piece of produce.
The question is- where do we go from here. I've still got about a month left!

5- I got to go to the sporting game! Sad news for Rico (he really wanted to go with his brother) but GREAT news for Eli and I. 

I may have cried (it is most likely our last time getting box seats since Rico will be leaving the company- and they took a picture of all the people in his department to commemorate it. I just lost it. (quietly, and in my seat without anyone seeing…but lost it none the less). He just loves these people and this job so much- that it's hard to think that he has to say goodbye. 

6- We got kicked out of our house for a showing and an open house (one of which showed up 45 minutes early as we were "sharking" (steam mop) the wood floors.) Oops. 
Anyway, we spent the day looking for those odds and ends that we still need for Eli- Rico and Alli style- at consignment shops and thrift stores. 
We did VERY well.
We are still on the hunt for a big mug with a flexible straw for labor. Flexible straws are so "out" now that you can't find one to save your life (and I am trying to avoid having to look at a quicktrip mug during my labor. 
I feel like that would piss me off. 
Sorry for the strong language, but I feel oddly passionate about this. 

A few things we've gotten:

I actually found this Jeep "running stroller" for $20 on an online garage sale website. I went there, and she decided to just GIVE it to me. Rico said it's a good thing, because it doesn't fold up very small and the hood has some issues- but the thing has a speaker so I can hook up my phone to it and play music. I mean, come on! We'll see how it goes. If it is like any other Jeep we own- it won't go well. It won't go well at all.

Some random things we needed, but were sure as heck happy to find at about half the price: the bottle "grass pad" drying rack, a nursing tank and nursing bra (still in packages…there are some things I won't buy used- but we actually found them still in sealed packages at the thrift store!).
Neutral crib sheets (he only has 1 set now…which clearly won't work as soon as he leaks out onto those).
A newborn insert to go into his car seat to help hold his little head from bouncing to and fro. I actually had a dream the night before about needing that. 
After this trip, Rico said, "Whoever told us that you only need 3 things for a new baby was full of it*"
Ok, he didn't say "it"

And then we bought what Eli REALLY needs- MORE CLOTHES! 
(Just kidding, that is the last thing in the world he needs- but there was a 10 for $10 sale!)
Can you guess which 5 I picked out and which 5 Rico did?

Did you pick the second picture?
 I hope so. Rico loves a few things in life:
1- sports
2- the color orange
3- nostalgic things from his childhood (aka: ninja turtles, batman, etc)

The most shocking of these purchases? Cookie monster. Normally I am STRONGLY anti-character.
The problem is, the second we saw it we both INSTANTLY grumbled "coooo-kies" in the middle of the store.
It had to be done. 

6- I showed Eli the sun. That's right, it hit 68 degrees on Friday. So I did what any normal Midwest girl would do after MONTHS of horrible winter. I slapped on a bikini and went sunbathing on the back porch. 
SEE, I TOLD you that my belly was bigger than it looked in that striped dress!
Eli enjoyed the sun…isn't it weird to think that he'd never gotten to "see it" (verdict is still out on HOW MUCH he can see the light through my belly, but most people agree that there is SOMETHING different in what he sees when exposed to direct light)
With all those layers I slap on during winter (first the maternity pants that cover him, then the undershirt I have an un-natural NEED to wear, then a shirt, and finally a coat) there was NO WAY he had seen light before now. 
I think he liked it. 
If nothing else- it CERTAINLY woke him him up. 

7- This may seem trivial- but it is not: I can still paint my toes.
Even french tips.
I had prepared Rico early on that eventually I would need him to learn to paint my toes. And, because he is high maintenence by being low maintenance, that means more than just slapping a color on them. No, Rico HATES colored finger or toe nail polish. 
Specifically red. 
He literally won't let my feet touch him if I have it on. 
So, I told him that his options were:
1- pay $30 every other week for me to get a pedicure (which I don't really enjoy- I feel guilty the whole time)
2- He could paint my toes and I would teach him how to do the french tips.

Apparently option 3 was that I would just find a way. 
They aren't perfect- but they are still pretty dang good if I do say so myself! 
Even if they weren't- I can't see my feet when I'm standing anyway. 

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