Sunday, March 9, 2014

Suck It Hips.

I finally found something I REALLY don't like about pregnancy.
There are things  that COULD annoy me, but I just find  most of them entertaining-like the contortionist moves it takes for me to put on shoes or shave.
 Seriously, nothing worth complaining about so much as commenting on. (Even the peeing constantly and illusive sleep)

WELL- I would like to OFFICIALLY register my first pregnancy complaint.
My. Hips. Are. Sore.
They've apparently decided to spread ALL at once. As in, this entire week.
I haven't felt sore like this since I used to work with a trainer- and even then, he would balance my workouts so it would never last more than a day and we spent a lot of time stretching my hip flexors. (Except that one time I decided to go run  around the lake in bad shoes and stop to do yoga on every dock for about a week without checking with him first. He basically had to (very nicely) tell me that I was being an idiot and that you shouldn't do that if you don't plan on hurting yourself....oops))

To add insult to injury- I didn't even recognize that this was pregnancy related.
Me: "my hip flexors have been really sore, for a couple of days now. I wonder if I am walking wrong or doing my squats wrong"
Rico: "I bet your hips are spreading"
Me;  (with a dumbfounded look) "oh my gosh hunny, you are so smart!"

Apparently the student has now become the teacher.
How did I not think of that?!
 I spend all day thinking about pregnancy and I don't even think to blame this on it?

It's now to the point that rolling over in bed is even difficult. Putting on pants is no longer a challenge because of balance- it actually hurts too! And don't even get me started on sitting  in a chair through a n 8 hour birthing class. (And I thought I was doing so well because I kept tailor sitting on the floor instead. Ha. )

I'm taking up the entire bed as I lay here writing this because the only thing that feels good is laying in a butterfly stretch.  Poor Rico. Now, not only do I have pregnancy snoring, but I also take up 3/4 of the bed with my legs and knees literally taking up as much space as humanly possible.

I know what I SHOULD be thinking: "my body is opening up for Eli"  (which, if you'll allow me a teacher moment for a second- is one of those reasons that OUR BODIES ARE SO COOL!"
I know I SHOULD be visualizing a flower opening  (preferably with the sound of a lute playing in the background)
I know it is actually something I should be VERY glad is happening- but, for some reason this seems to be the one thing that I can't just appreciate as a sign of a healthy, normal pregnancy that is getting me ready for a healthy, normal birth.
Instead, All I can think is, "suck it hips... Suck it"

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