Saturday, March 8, 2014

Rico's Birthday

Things Rico did on his birthday:
Went to work all day.
Got taken to his birthday lunch…at Wendy's.
Ate cereal for dinner…because his wife was at conferences all night.
Vacuumed, dusted, and cleaned every room in the house to get it ready to go on the market. Again, by himself.
Had a piece of Oreo ice cream cake I managed to sneak into our freezer the night before once I FINALLY got home around 8. 
Got no presents- unless you count these- which I bought just so he'd have SOMETHING to make him smile. 
I know, I know. But he WON'T ask for anything and tells me not to get him anything!

Took a break long enough to watch a recorded New Girl before going back to cleaning (where my job was to get the nursery ready). Oddly it was pretty much the only room that was "show ready" last week- but then we brought home 1 million and 1 presents and it made us start back at square 1. As HE was running up and down the stairs hard-core cleaning…I may have distracted myself on this project: 

Eli's diapers WERE under the bed in a roll-out drawer, but it looked messy and I was pretty sure I wouldn't want to bend over every time I wanted a diaper. I saw this idea at the house of one of my old sorority sisters who was nice enough to give me a cloth diapering mini-lesson and sell me some of her old ones. 

Put me (and Eli) to bed by 9- and KEPT cleaning. 
But look how good the house looked in our real estate pics!

Now THAT was a lot of cleaning. MAN am i going to miss our house.

Don't worry, the day wasn't done. He ran upstairs after I called him to clean up my puke. Yes, I gave myself a bit of food poisoning after eating my greek yogurt/almond butter/honey fruit dip even though it had been out all day and Rico had warned me NOT to eat it.  This wasn't a small amount of puke- this was a LOT of puke. I mean, in a container, but still, a lot.

Then, on his Saturday- he went to yet ANOTHER birthing class I signed us up for. 
All day. 
Literally 9 am to almost 5. 
And…he knew it all. The good news is that Bradly class made Rico a birthing super-star! The bad news is that he had a hard time staying engaged. 

I write this for 2 reasons. 
#1- I want to remember how awesome my husband is and recognize and appreciate how many sacrifices he is making for us
#2- To make me feel better about my upcoming crappy spring break. While I make sub plans and my new snow-day adjusted blockouts for the rest of the year (yeah, when you are a teacher, you can't just go on maternity leave, you have to do your job ahead and then teach someone else how to do it while you are gone). I'll also be grading and entering grades. I'll also be setting up the electronic babies to go out. SO, basically, I'll live at work. 
Rico, the one who DOESN'T get a Spring Break gets to go golf, go get BBQ and beers with a buddy,  and go to a Sporting game in his company suite (with his brother- which he has been wanting to do EVERY time he gets tickets). 
I can't be mad. 
The man deserves it. 
I CAN, however, be jealous. 
So- here I am- green with envy. 

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